Chapter 3

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As we walked into the office, the principal was already informed of what happened in class. Yet he still made the mistake of not calling my mother, or Davids for that matter. Dumbass, i'd be dead if he would't be so ignorant. He had his head down, acting all disappointed and shit. As we sat down he spoke.
- You should already know why you're here. I am so disappointed in both of you. What went through your minds as you made those sounds.
He kept talking in a stereotypical upset dad voice and as i glanced at David, i could see he wasn't listening in the slightest. Well, at least until the "calling your parents part"
-..and i think you should call your own parents and say what you did. I want to see you tell them your actions and why you're in trouble yourselves. Starting with you, Don.
Well shit, this wasn't part of the plan.
David threw me a quick glance of desperation.
- I don't have my phone on me. - I said quickly, having that the only thing i could think of.
- Ok, then use the office phone. Here you g-
David quickly snatched the phone and dialed his moms phone humber.
- I want to be first - he made a simple excuse for his sudden burst-out.
The principle look at him with a shocked and confused expresion. Yet, he did do anything about that, just sat back and watched as David held the phone near his head. Then finaly, his mom picked up.
- Hey mom, i need you to pick m-
- You're in the principles office AGAIN? God David, it's the third time this month! I can't keep getting you out of trouble if you purpusfully get cought up in it! - the lecture of Davids mom was heard even from a couple meters, even though the phone wasn't on speaker.
- Yes, i know, i know. But this time is different. Me and Don both need help. So could you please pick us up?
The principle didn't seem pleased by the idea of only Davids parents getting informed of our situation.
- David hand the phone to me please - he stated.
- Yeah no, - David leaned back for the principle not to reach him - Anyways, i'll take that as a yes mom, we'll be waiting for you in the office.
As the principle started to reach over to take the phone back, David hung up.
- Ok. Now Don. It's your time to call your mother.
- I can't, my mother is sick.
- So call your father then.
My blood ran cold as i thought of what would happen if my father would get called.
My father was mostly going around clubs and bars, making out with other women and what not, but when he was present in the house he would be pretty damn abusive. Not always phisically, mostly mentally. He did hit me once in a while, and then act suprised if i hit him back. Safe to say my household isn't the healthiest.
- I.. I don't remember his number. And as you heard already, Mrs. Filk will be here any minute now.
Davids mom worked near the school, and usually would come in 5-or-so minutes after getting called to pick up her son. Lets hope she get here soon ir else i might have to call my parents.
- Your student info is in the schools system. I can check it and tell you your fathers number.
My heart skipped a beat. Just as I was about make up an excuse, David did it for me:
- Why? My mom is already coming to pick us up, do you really need to be this bitchy when the problem is already getting solved?
- Mr. David, i will not have such words in my school, i want to hear something from Don himself, - he turned at me, - or are you too incapable of making up your own excuses so you use David as your shield Mr. Laneck?
I saw red, and so did David apparently, but before he could talk for me again i snapped at the principal.
- I HAVE A SHITTY FAMILY THAT WOULD EITHER NOT FUCKING CARE, KICK ME OUT OR BEAT ME TO DEATH, IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY?! - i screeched, quickly standing up and slamming my hands on his desk.
The room fell silent, but was suddenly filled with a sadistic laugh. The principals laugh. I was starring him dead in the eyes, baffled, in utter disbelief of how fucking sadistic this man was. Im sure David was too since he didn't say anything after that, just sat there, frozen, in shock of what this cold being was doing.
- Haha, of course that was what i wanted to hear! Silly boy! - he laughed on and on, - Oh Don, of couse that was it! You always show off a tough, unbreakable shell, while inside you're just a soft weak little kid. That was the punishment i thought of when i heard how "brave" you were feeling in class today, so to get you off your high horse, i thought about showing you your weakness - family.
I was fucking speachless. I think anyone would be after seeing how the principal emotionally manipulated you, and more importantly, how they succseeded. I didn't know what to even say. David, unlike his normal self also just sat there silent.
- I will NOT have any more of this Mr. White. - a voice was heard from behind us. I was in such panic and fear that i didn't even recognize who it was at first. Until David started speaking again, this time in a much calmer, slower tone:
- H..hey mom.. - an awkward greeting came out of him, he couldn't find what to say next so he just fell silent again.
- Yea hi sweetie, - she said before coming up to me and putting her arms on my shoulders, - hey kiddo, you alright? Don't worry, I'll take care of this for you Don. David, go to the car with Don, and get some water for Don and yourself ok? I'll be back in a sec.
- Sure mom, - he answer while coming up to me. As he put his arm aroud my numb and paralyzed body, I felt warmth slowly returning to me, my soul re-entering the empty shell that I was after the encounter with the principal, Mr. White.
I slowly turned around and walked out with David. Just as he closed the door behind us I head loud angry protective mother noises, realising that Davids mom was screaming at the principal about what he said. I payed no mind to it and just went to the car that Davids mom had parked outside the school. As we got in and sat in the car next to eachother, David suddenly spoke:
- He shouldn't have forced you to say that.
I couldn't tell if this was just to break the silence or to comfort me, but i didnt mind it being either of those.
- Yeah.. - was the only think i could mutter out. What else was there more to say? "Sorry you had to hear that"? Or "It's fine I'm over it"?
I wanted to tell him not to think about it to ease the tension, but it seems he thought of that first:
- Look I'm sorry I couldn't help. I wanted to talk for you so you wouldn't have to but it seems you snapped after his comment. I'm sorry I let you get to this point.
- Don't sweat it man, I know you only wanted to get me out of the office so that my parents won't get called. And I thank you for that, but you won't be able to speak for me all my life, I'll need to speak up for myself at one point or another, I cant keep relying on you.
- Or.. I can marry you and then I will have to talk for you if i want, - to make the situation more light hearted David said. That took me off guard, how fast he switched up, and that he mentioned marrying me. For a brief second I could start speaking -
                            - but Mrs. Filk opened the drivers side door and got in, leaving me no time to ask David what the fuck he just said.
- I'm back! OK for a nicer start how about we go to McDonalds hm? Yeah that sounds good, ok lets go! - she blurred out quickly, turning on the car, not even letting us complain.

And then it hit me.

As kids me and David were very close, i mean, we still are but the kid type of close: sleepovers, getting invited to family birthday parties, and most of all, eating with the other family while they were out. One place Davids mom loved to take us after something happened or just for fun was McDonalds. It was a place of wonders, me and David would play pretend and have little roleplay games in the childrens playground.

I think Mrs. Filk understood, that being there eased my mind and made me forget any misfortunes that were thrown my way. I'm glad that she helped me forget them, she actually took the role of a mother in my life, and I'm very greatful she did. In fact, Davids whole family was good to me, well, beter than my own at least..

[Editos Note] Jesus- ok so i finished this chapter mainly cause my friend wanted to read it, hey [name of said friend] thank you for pushing me to finish it <33
Anyways, this chapter took so long mainly cause i didnt really have a plan for it and didn't know how to finish it. So sorry for the not so great ending and as always, sorry for the spelling mistakes that may be in this chapter.

Remember to hydrate, eat some food and get a good night rest <3

Word count: 1666

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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