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Note: ""Quoted"" Bookscenes taken from Wings of Fire: Legends, Darkstalker, Page 262, 263, 264


""Allknowing cleared her throat and fluffed her wings importantly.

"Hatched of ice and hatched of night

Cursed with moons all shining bright

Longs for power not his own

Comes to steal your very throne."


"You fool," Clearsight cried. "You're the one making it happen! He wouldn't have — he might not — but now, but now ..." She took a step backward. He was coming, it was all coming, all the bad things rushing their way. "I have to go."

"No," said the queen sharply. "I won't let you conspire with him anymore. Guards! Lock her up!" she shouted.

Burly Nightwing guards pounced from behind the rosebushes, as if they'd been lying in wait for this moment, but Clearsight saw them coming.

All at once the future was spread clearly over the present, as it hadn't been since she put the earrings on, and she saw where the guards would be to grab her and she saw how to twist away and her escape path into the sky, and she took it, winging free in one wild heartbeat.""

But her vision didn't foresee the next thing that happened. The Guards flew after her, quickly restraining her which sent them falling onto the ground, the guards pinning down her wings. "You need to trust me! I can stop him! Please!" Clearsight screamed at the Queen, panic overflowing her thoughts for a moment as she tried to wiggle away from the grip of the Guards, but they were too strong. 

The latter then quickly let her stand up, grabbing her wings swiftly, spearing through them to make her unable to fly. Clearsight seemed panicked, but Queen Vigilance paid no attention to it, as she heard a Roar wave through the Kingdom. She watched the Queen fly with a crowd of Nightwings settling down far away in front of Darkstalker... and Prince Arctic?  She pleaded with the Guards to help her to that stage, she had to know what was happening. The futures quickly unraveled inside her head, and all of them had the same end. The Prince of the Icewings dying. 

She had convinced the Guards, who held her up and flew towards where all the others were settled. As they got closer, Prince Arctic spoke clear words;  "I DO wish I'd been a better father. If I were, I would have strangled you the moment you hatched." Then, Darkstalker mumbled something incoherent and his father began disemboweling himself. It stopped the guards in their tracks, as they just hovered there, watching the organs flood out of him. Soon after that, He lay there, still and lifeless.

"My Nightwings, we have gotten rid of one of our most powerful enemies, for now, we are safe for the time being. Sadly, my Clearest sight isn't here currently, but I can assure you, she will make the most elegant Queen." He could see and read the fear in their minds and faces, and it made him proud. Dragons in fear are more obedient after all, and that could be helpful to keep his tribe safe.

Clearsight caught Darkstalker's eyes and didn't realize that, by this point, Darkstalker was on his swift way to her. Time slowed. She held her breath, the guards letting go of her, Darkstalker catching her. He let her onto the ground, Nightwings getting far away from her as if she was poisonous. Then Darkstalker sat by her, snapping his talons, Queen Vigilance floating into the air helplessly. He then threw her onto the stage, swiftly flying towards it, landing on it. 

"So, hurting my Clearest Flower, I see?" Quickly, the holes in Clearsight's wings were healed by Magic. "I think It's your turn to end up wherever the Prince of the Icewings is. Although both of you hold similarities, you both were are unroyal as they come. Don't worry, your fellow Royals will stay safe, but your time is up" Those words sent shivers up the backs of many in the Audience, Including Clearsight. But this future couldn't be changed. Her mind was scattered, nothing made sense anymore. 

"Farewell, dearest Ex-Queen." Those were the last slithering words, before Darkstalker jumped at her, queen Vigilance trying to hurt him, but remembering his scales were Invincible. He wanted to kill her with his own claws. He could have been different, but he can't change anymore. He dug his immensely strong talons into the Queen's throat, slowly dragging them across her stomach. Pain-filled, deafening screams echoed throughout the Kingdom, as gasps hushed over the Audience. 

Dark eyes glared at the Audience. "A New Era has begun." He whispered, but it was heard by everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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