Chapter One: As Red as Blood

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Present Day

"I'm so sorry for your loss. Your father was a good man." The man in front of her gives her a sad smile as he grasps her hands tightly and shakes them. Sniffing, Y/N nods. She knows this definitely won't be the last time she sees a smile like that today. It's part of the reason why she hates funerals so much...aside from the actual death. She hates having to act pleasant to everyone, to accept their apologies and small smiles, when she feels like she's being torn apart inside. The fact her stepmother is absent, doing god knows what, leaving her alone to meet and greet her father's friends and family doesn't help either. But they're her family too...even if she's felt disconnected from them ever since her mother died. In all honesty, she doesn't remember much from that time. After all, she was only six when her mother died. All she remembers is receiving no help from anyone, and having to get by on her own as her father shut himself away. And now, here everyone is, acting like they cared about her family, when to her, they never did. Tears sting at her eyes again as her father comes to her mind again. Maybe things would've been different if he had help sooner, or if she had reached out sooner...or if he hadn't gotten married to Adria.

Sighing, she shoves that thought out of her head. Yes, her stepmother was cruel to her, and treated her like a servant in her own home, but it wasn't all her father's fault. After all, he just wanted happiness after her mother died, and who was she to blame him for that? She just wishes she could see him again. That's all she wants. A hug from her father. Sniffling, she waves the man off and dabs furiously at her teary eyes with the tissue clutched in her hand. As the man departs, she glances around the room with its ornate chandeliers and art, clearly her stepmother's additions. It's strange how in such a big house, with so much furniture, so many decorations, and so many guests...someone could still feel so alone and empty. But again, she's been alone for most of her life, even when her father got remarried. It's like nothing's changed, really.

As time goes on and the guests start to disappear, Y/N makes her way up to her childhood bedroom, where she'll be staying for a few days. Part of her still wishes she booked a hotel instead of having to stay in her childhood home and deal with her stepmother for a few weeks...but she has to pack up some more of her old things, so it's best to just stay and get it done now. And then she can be out of her stepmother's hair for good. Besides, it's a big enough house...surely they won't see each other that much. Sighing, she kicks off her heels and sits down on her bed, picking up a photo of her with her parents that she keeps on her bedside table. That was one of the last times Y/N was ever happy. And now, she's the only one in her family left. Leaning back on her bed, she clutches the picture to her chest and lets the tears fall. After a while, she hears a pair of heels clicking as they make their way to her bedroom. She sighs, knowing exactly who they belong to. Sure enough, her door soon opens, and:

"Come on. We have to go to the will reading." Her stepmother Adria snaps, leaning against the door. Adria regards her with a disapproving scowl. "And stop blubbering. It's not attractive for a woman your age to snivel like that." She huffs. "You're such an embarrassment. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to deal with you. The sooner you're out of my hair, the better. Now, come on." She repeats, venom lacing her words as she beckons Y/N with a perfectly manicured finger.

"...Yes, stepmother." Y/N mumbles, placing the picture down, putting her heels back on and following her stepmother out of the house towards the car waiting on them. The pair sit in silence as the car drives towards the lawyer's office. Adria cannot contain her excitement, finally ready to gain the money and business she feels she deserves. To her, taking it all from under her stepdaughter's nose makes it even better.

Meanwhile, Y/N wonders why her stepmother doesn't care that her father is gone, and how she could still be so cruel. But then again, she was the same when she was growing up, so if she's being honest, she isn't even surprised by it anymore. And besides, she learned a long time ago that Adria doesn't care about her or what she has to say. Why would she start now? Y/N looks out of the window, hoping the meeting is over quickly. She doesn't even care about the money. Adria could take it all for all she cares. In all honesty, she probably has inherited it all. All she wants is to have her parents back, even for a minute. Maybe then she could be happy again. But unfortunately, life doesn't work like that, and Y/N learned a long time ago that dreams and fairytales don't come true. If they did, her parents would still be here. She wouldn't have had to give up her childhood so soon, and she wouldn't have been mistreated so much. Part of her feels sad that she's lost her imagination and spark of childlike wonder, but Y/N's convinced that life has it out for her after being through so much trauma and tragedy, and that if dreams do come true, they definitely wouldn't for her.

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