Chapter Five: Making Plans

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Warnings: This chapter mentions some more of Bucky's past as the Winter Soldier, and a few mentions of his treatment by HYDRA and Pierce too. There's also some mentions of Y/N's anxiety, as well as a few small mentions of violence and blood, and some mentions of alcohol.


"So, Alexander. If you don't mind me asking-" Adria begins.

"Please, call me Mr Pierce." The man insists, cutting her off. Adria frowns. Although he says it with a smile, she can still detect some anger and distrust lacing his voice. Something that tells her not to cross him. And so, she nods.

"Mr Pierce...if you don't mind me asking, why is it you have such a vendetta against The Avengers?" Pierce develops a cold, stony look almost immediately.

"Forgive me, but I fail to see how that's important right now." Adria frowns.

"I like to know who I'm working with first, to see if I can trust them." Pierce raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, trust? Well, I'm sorry, but who's to say I trust you? I'd rather hear your story first." He remarks. "And besides...surely if you didn't trust me, you wouldn't be here. Isn't that right?" He asks, smirking slightly. Adria feels her anger levels rising. How dare he speak to her in such a way?

"But you said you would help me!" She protests. Pierce chuckles and shakes his head.

"On the contrary, I said no such thing. I merely offered to listen to you. But if you're going to behave like this instead of like a rational adult, then I suggest you leave." Adria's rage almost reaches breaking point.

"You listen here. Do you have any idea how long it took me to see you? You don't have any right to just throw me out, or-" She begins. But before she can continue, Pierce smirks.

"Mrs Y/L/N, if you're not sure if you can trust me, why are you here then?" And despite the anger coursing through Adria's veins, his words are what brings Adria back to focus on the crucial matter at hand: getting rid of Y/N. She sighs. Although part of her wants to turn around and leave to take care of this matter herself, because a part of her is starting to think that she is just as capable of it as Pierce, she knows she'll most likely fail.

"Because you're my only hope." She admits, hating how weak it makes her look. But she's right. He is her only chance to find Y/N before time runs out. And if that means that she has to deal with a lack of trust and of him calling the shots, then so be it. Pierce smirks again. Adria tries to calm herself down before launching another verbal tirade...or punching the smug bastard in the face. Besides, if all else fails and he refuses to help, hopefully he can help her with getting access to Avengers H.Q...and then she'll take care of things herself: how it should've been from the beginning.

"Ah. So Mrs Y/L/N, why is it you require my help?"

"Well, in just over a month, my pest of a stepdaughter is due to inherit her father's business. A business that should be mine. I've already tried to get rid of her using a hitman, but the stupid bastard failed." She hisses, clenching her fists angrily. Pierce's gaze flickers down to her balled fists, but he stays silent. "And I have reason to believe that she might be hiding in Avengers H.Q. Or at least, went to see them first. After all, her father and Tony Stark were close friends from what I believe." Pierce nods, taking it in for a moment. "So I want your help to-"

"I'd like your help." Pierce corrects her. Adria stops herself from rolling her eyes. Despite how satisfying it would feel to punch Pierce in the face, she tries to control her anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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