Chapter Two: Nightmares

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A/N: This chapter also features mentions of Bucky's past as The Winter Soldier, in case you think that'll be triggering for you.


"I guess I better introduce you to everyone then. Obviously, this isn't all of us, but these are the faces you'll be seeing for the next foreseeable future." Tony goes down the line and introduces Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, Thor, Steve, Sam and Bucky...the man with the metal arm. She smiles, happy to finally put a name to his face.

"It's nice to meet you all, and thank you for letting me stay. I promise I won't be too much bother, and I'll try and stay out of your way as much as I can."

"Don't be ridiculous. We're happy to have you." Natasha smiles. After filling Y/N in with some more info about the compound, Tony tells them that everyone is done for the night. As some of the Avengers leave to head to bed, Natasha leads Y/N over to meet Steve, Sam and Bucky, and the trio greet her with a hello. She notices Bucky looking awkward, trying not to make direct eye contact with her. She frowns, but says nothing, also feeling slightly uncomfortable around him.

"Well, I hope you enjoy being here, Y/N, despite the circumstances. If you need anything, anything at all, you let us know, okay?" Steve asks, and she nods.

"What he means is, we'd love someone to play video games with us. Cause these two..." Sam begins, gesturing to Bucky and Steve as he talks, "Are pretty shit, especially for being a pair of old-timers." Y/N chuckles awkwardly as the rest of the group laughs.

"I'll do my best." But before Y/N can say anything else, Bucky mumbles a goodnight and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Y/N's heart sinks. Maybe she isn't as welcome as she thought. Especially not with the one person she wanted to get to know better. Natasha glances back at the door, then at Sam and Steve, giving them a sad look.

"Don't worry about him. It just...takes him a while to come around to new people." She reassures Y/N. Y/N isn't entirely sure if she's telling the truth but says nothing regardless, too tired and worn out to argue. "Let me show you to your room." Natasha says, taking her arm and gently leading her out of the room. She casts a look back at Steve and Sam.

"Oh god. This is a shame. This whole thing is a shame." Steve sighs, shaking his head. "Especially poor Y/N. And of course, no doubt hearing about cold-blooded assassins has made Bucky remember his time as one." Sam nods.

"And it looks like he's going to ignore Y/N because of it, so she might think it's her fault." Steve nods. "Well, what are we going to do? Should we tell her she's in Bucky's room?" Steve shakes his head.

"I don't think that's a good idea. She probably feels bad enough. And besides, what can we do? I know Bucky, and I know he's stubborn. There's no way he'll try talking to her, at least anytime soon. All we can do is tell her it's not her fault and that he'll talk to her when he feels comfortable enough to."

"...Easier said than done." Sam sighs.


Once alone in her new room, Y/N looks around. The walls are bare, and it's like a box. It's a huge change from her room back home. Home. That word feels increasingly more bitter to her. That place was never really a home to her, and it definitely isn't now. She probably can't go back there ever again. Granted, she doesn't exactly want to go back there, given her stepmother wants her dead, and she'll definitely be there. But it still stings. All her memories in that place...all her happiness...gone. She sighs, feeling tears stinging at her eyes, and begins to undress. As she does so, she glances in the mirror at the wound on her side.

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