Chapter 2

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"What's up, guys?" Henry said. He seemed distracted, but I ignored it to not take away from the evident smile present on my mom's face.

The whole conversion was pretty boring, but with "how was your day?" and "how are they treating you?" and "are you eating right?" thrown every which way, both my mom and my brother seemed content with just being in each other's company which in turn made me happy.

After 5 hours of mother-son bonding, I started to notice that people in his background started frantically running as if they were preparing for something that was about to happen in a few seconds. Then the shouting started, which broke the present conversation.

"The barrier has been broken!! This is not a drill! Stations everyone!!" Someone exclaimed.

After Henry heard those words, the call ended without a goodbye, and silence filled the room. The smile on Mom's face dripped down with each passing second. The tension broke with her groaning. She fell onto the ground holding her stomach. It was as if her motherly instincts were crying at her, telling her that something was wrong. She turned and twitched in every direction for what seemed like forever. Dad tried to soothe her by telling her that Henry was a bright boy, and he would do everything in his power to protect himself. As he said it, the rare occurrence of tears swelled in his eyes, threatening to fall. I just stood in shock, not knowing what I could do. What could I do? He was miles and miles away from us in the middle of nowhere. 

weeks passed before we heard any sort of communication back from the thousands of letters Mom sent to the base. The cryptic note read as follows:

Your family has been recorded as a protected class rank due to relative employment. The following will be escorted to a secured location by military personal for your own protection: Herman Loue, Kandice Loue, Poppy Loue, Lilly Hill. No belongings are allowed to be brought along with you for your own safety. Under no conditions are more occupants allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.

"what's going on? Why are they relocating us?" Mom questioned to know one specifically, "and who is Lilly Hill?" I could have answered the second question, I swore on my word I wouldn't tell anyone unless absolutely necessary. Dad began cleaning his usual spot in the living room and stuffing anything he could fit in his mouth. Mom looked on with utter confusion. "What in the world are you doing?"

"We don't know if we're coming back, and I'll be a darn leprechaun if I waste the food I payed with my hard earned money!" He was barely understandable with all that mustard dripping out his mouth.

"You seriously care about food when we are about to get abducted out of our home?!"

"You read the darn letter, Kandy. It's for our protection!"

"If I slapped you in the face and told you it was for your protection, would you believe me, Hermy?!" Dad looked shocked that she would even ask that question.

"Of course I would! You're my wife! I trust you!" He stuffed a three old day biscuit in his mouth and took a seat at the table  near the refrigerator. I couldn't help but notice how sad he looked munching on that stale biscuit.  

About five minutes later, a black truck pulled into the driveway, and two people, one a familiar male who I knew to be 19 years of age in full military gear and the other a female who seemed to be around the same age in a dark brown suit, stepped out the back entrance and knocked on our front door. They were greeted by my mom.

"Aiden! oh you've grown so much! And you're so thin! What have they been feeding you over there?!" She was met with a transitioning warm smile in return.

"Hello, Mrs. Loue. It's nice to see you again. This is Laney. She'll be joining us in our little... excursion today." The lady looked very uncomfortable when he said her name. 

"Have you talked to Henry recently? I haven't been able to reach him and I just know something is wrong. Just tell me if there is. I can take it." Mom said, ignoring his introduction. His smile was immediately wiped from his face, and no one said anything for a while.

"That is classified Mrs. Loue. Now, if you could please come with us, we have a schedule to keep." Laney said walking towards the truck.

"I don't care about your stupid schedule. I'm not going anywhere without knowing where my son is." Mom resisted.

 "Ma'am, I am not able to disclose that information to you. If you do not come willfully, I am authorized to use any means necessary to get you in that truck." Laney said, trying to hide her frustration.

"I'd like to see you try, Missy!"

Laney reached to grab something from the back of her pants when Aiden blurted out "we don't know! His platoon is in enemy territory and they cut off communication a few weeks ago. Now will you come with us?" Laney looked extremely mad at his statement.

Mom had to take seat on the porch steps. "Honey, we should probably go. Maybe they can give us more information if we are in a secured location. Dad stepped outside to comfort her. She looked in his eyes for reassurance and within seconds, we all where in the truck heading to an undisclosed location.

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