Chapter 3

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"Omen, wake up!" I was shaken from a pleasant dream by an "associate" of mine in a panic, once again. "The barrier's been breached! Fury is already here!"

"Were's Henry?" I asked groggily, still not aware of my surroundings. I was sleeping in an unfamiliar position since the military men who kidnapped me forced me to sleep in a makeshift hammock instead of a higher plain than I am used to in order to "civilize" me, whatever that means.

"He's MIA. Fury got to his section first. You have to take your position! This is your fight!" Reed said.

"It would have been MY fight if you hadn't butted in you idiot! Don't forget that your commanders ordered me here." I really do not want to be here. I could leave right now if I didn't owe a debt.

"I am not dying because of your selfishness. If you're not going out there by yourself, I'm making you." he tried for the table on the opposite side of the room, but I lunged forward and beat him to it and grabbed the controller sitting on it. Before he could take it from me, the entrance doors swung open, gaining both of our undivided attention, and revealed Fury. He had piercing red eyes, pale brown skin, and short, pitch black hair. He was also angry all the time, which is why my "associates" named him Fury.

 I don't mind the stupid names they gave us. It gives me extreme pleasure to call my old friend "Fury" and watch as his eyes boil with pure hatred. 

Reed was frozen in fear as Fury revealed himself. He kept his gaze on me until he sped forward. Before he could land a blow, I dodged and leapt backward. I aimed for his stomach but he kicked my opening. The hit was so strong that I hit a wall on the other side of the room, right next to the door. I could see in the corner of my eye that Reed was running out instead of helping me. So much for allies.

I got up and ran towards Fury as fast as I could and he did the same. I was inches from punching his face in when I suddenly heard two gunshots. Within seconds, Fury was on the floor, clutching his side. I looked at the doors and saw a bloodied guy with what looked like a serious head wound. 

"There you are!" I said, smiling at the only decent person around here. He looked at me with glazed over eyes, then fainted.

I had took Henry to the doctor, despite every particle in my body telling me not to do so, so she could take care of his wounds. "It's always lovely to see you, Omen," she said with a menacing smile plastered on her face. "I heard you got into an altercation during the attack. Do you want me to check on you as well? You know how much I care about the well being of my patients."

"If you cared so much, you'd hurry up with Henry. Besides, if you're quick, you might get to dissect Fury before he escapes." She was finished bandaging his superficial wounds within 20 minutes and then she was off. Luckily, he didn't suffer any severe damage.

"You ok?" He asked, noticing my anxiousness of the surroundings.

"You know how I feel about this place. The day I got here, they tried to harvest my organs! I only came here for you." 

He smiled. "I never told you to come. You could have fought back. You know that."

"I didn't feel like waging a war at the time. I have other matters to attend to."

"We're already in a war. We would just have one less ally. I don't care either way. I came to protect my family."

"I also have someone to protect."

This peaked his curiosity. "I thought you said there were no other survivors from Fury's attack."

"She's not from my village." I said plainly.

"Is she... like you?" He asked, trying not to offend.

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. I don't really care. As long as she is safe, I am a happy guy."

"What?" He asked, "what do you mean you don't know? Did you not ask? Isn't she from another village? I thought you guys don't really communicate with anyone outside your species. I tried not to take offense to the last statement since I was technically as human as he was. My people were just blessed with certain... abilities.

"You are living in the dark ages, Henry. We have evolved from such ways." I patted him on his back and left to see if I could reach out to her before facing the Sargent.

It drove me mad not seeing her for weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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