𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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Note: Hey guys! Chapter a bit long, hope you don't mind :). Next should be up in a couple of days, let me know what you guys think about it! 



𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘 put my belongings away and was now sitting in the seat by the window, watching the crying children say goodbye to their weeping parents. My grey eyes judged all of the adults there. Each, acting as if a crucial part of their lives was about to leave. As if they were letting a part of themselves go. Which perhaps, was how parents should be.

I wouldn't know, would I?

My gaze drifted away from the random adults and settled on a group of familiar people. With the unkempt black hair and the undeniable red hair, the Weasleys and Potters had come to say goodbye to their children. All happy, but with glimpses of sadness in their eyes. My gaze fixed itself in the dark-haired family, watching closely as Lily Potter held the shoulder of her son with a proud but nervous look on her face as if she didn't want to let a crucial part of her go. It felt bitter that they all seemed so fine. It felt unfair that their lives had turned out so wonderful while mine was literally a crappy one.

The famous 'family who lived' hunted me everywhere I went. Their faces were on the newspapers, books, and in every single wizarding store I walked in. I stared at the family, all of them so happy and so close. James Potter and Sirius Black, the heads of the Auror Department,  talking to each other with grins on their faces as the amazing medwizard Lily Potter spoke something with her beloved 'boy who lived'. The most famous family in the wizarding world. The family that once belonged to me, and the same family that abandoned me.

I didn't even try to fight the bitter smile that came to my lips. It was nice to know that life had worked out for some of us. I was glad that at least the 'boy who lived' had a chance to have a family; that at least one of us did. Not that my happiness was going to make any difference. Oh god, no. My existence had no bearing on their lives, and why should it? They left me in an orphanage after they survived the attack.

No letter, no card, not even a hello. It was as if I didn't even exist.

The night of the attack, which will be forever etched in my memory, still hunted my dreams. The night I was abandoned. Not just by my parents but by all of them. By the godparents who swore they would always look out for me and by the uncle who said he would never leave me. It was the night my own father, instead of staying with me, chose his godson. The boy who was, apparently, a kid much better than I was. It was the night I was left home alone by the person who was supposed to take care of me and also, the night I dawned home alone because he hadn't come back.

The night everyone went to protect Harry Potter. The boy who lived and stole everything I had.

An empty laugh escaped my lips. Now, here I was. Pathetically watching James Potter take the last few minutes to chat with his son alongside Sirius Black, who did not carry the slightest memory of having a daughter on his face, who was bidding farewell to his godson. Good thing life worked out for some of us. Good thing that some of us have a family.

I sighed deeply before closing my eyes. They were not worth all the time I spent thinking about them. No fucking way. They were the ones who left me, to begin with. All of them. From that pathetic excuse of a father to that annoying and obnoxious failure of godfather. Each and every one of them. They still burned in my memory, but I couldn't care less now. I was fine. After years of wondering what was wrong with me, I decide not to give a damn about them. Why should I? They didn't give a damn about me either. My life might be shitty, but I personally think I did pretty fine by myself.

𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚜 ❨ • Harry Potter Love Story • ❩Where stories live. Discover now