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I got to class with still some extra time left. I looked horrible! I didn't get to put on makeup or fix my hair. I hurriedly tried to fix my self before Mr. Shapiro could come in. I was already able to put on some tinted spf on my face in the car so all i had to do was powder my face, put on mascara and lip balm. I gently slap my cheeks for the blush and i just put my hair on a high bun.

"You ok?" asked Ben. "Yeah" i answered dismissively so he won't ask anymore questions. I wasn't just in the mood. Then the guy on my right side leaned in towards me and asked "You sure you're ok?". I looked behind me, expecting it to be Paxton since i was sure it was his voice that i heard asking the question but i saw Devi's face instead. She just gave me a 'what?' look. I looked to my right and there he was. "Did you guys switch seats or something?" I asked, confused. "Yeah, you can actually sit whereever you want."  Devi replied and i just shook my head out of annoyance of my ignorance. Then Mr. Shapiro came in and class started.

When the bell rang, i got up and looked at my seat, making sure that i didn't forget anything and then just went out the door. On my way to my locker, someone grabbed my elbow from behind. "Hey, i was meaning to talk to you" said Paxton. I just looked at him with a tired and annoyed expression. "Are you ok because you really look like you don't want to be bothered right now?" he asked as he let go of my arm slowly. "Yeah, i don't want to be bothered now" i replied and walked away to my locker.

"Woah, what was that about?" asked Maria as she saw the whole thing. "Nothing, just not really in the mood." I told her. "Is this because of what happened yesterday? I'm sorry to bring it up after we agreed to just forget about it but it seems like you're not doing a good job forgetting about it" and that's when i remembered Zoe in my nightmare. The nightmare was because of her and what happened yesterday. The bell rang and it was time to go to class. "I'll explain everything after our class."

After 2nd period, i explained to both Maria and Arc the events after we went home yesterday: me going back to school for my phone, Paxton helping me out and giving me a ride home, dinner with Gomezes, what Alex said about what Fabiola saw, and the nightmare. I had to do it fast before 3rd period began. "Ok so we think  Zoe was the one who stole your bras?" said Maria. "Aren't you together in the next period, Ri?" asked Arc. "But guys, there's no proof" i said before they start thinking of doing something. "Exactly why she should be confronted!" exclaimed Maria. The bell rang for 3rd period. "I gotta go! Ana, don't worry. I have your back. You know that" Maria said as she ran off to her class and Arc and I went in to Chemistry.

Don't Fall for His Game - a Paxton Hall-Yoshida Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now