Scream at me

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Ever since Ri posted my picture on IG, a lot of people at school have been looking at me. But i paid no mind and focused on my classes and volleyball practice. "Hey Saldana, see you later after school at the parking lot?"asked Paxton from behind me as i changed out my books in my locker. "You can go ahead to Trent's without me. I gotta talk to my coach about something. I'll catch up" I said but Maria overheard and butted in "I can talk to coach for you". I was mentally facepalming. "Ok great! So we'll go to Trent's together. Later" Paxton said and he walked away to his next class. "Wtf Ri? I thought you wanted me to avoid him? That was what i was trying to do" i asked Ri when Paxton was out of earshot. " and let you off a free car ride? Babe, you can't ride your bike, hell, you can't even walk right." she made her point. I still have a lot of muscle ache on my legs and i have to put on Salonpas Patches on them.

"Hey, about the other day, at the pool, i'm sorry if i crossed a line or did something you didn't like" Paxton said as he started the car. "Uhm yeah, well, you didn't... yet. I freaked out and screamed before something happened. And everything turned out fine, i guess." I blabbered because honestly, i was confused too. I kinda wanted for something to happen but i knew i'm not supposed to. "I'm sorry if i freaked you out when i screamed all of a sudden" i continued. "No, no, it was fine. Scream at me all you want" he said and then made a weird face when he also didn't understand what he was trying to say. We both just laughed and began talking about school, practice, sports until we got to Trent's.

"Whoa, it looks so good! You both killed it! Like, it looks professional" said Paxton as he looked through our presentation in my laptop. "Thanks, Big P" responded Devi and both Paxton and I just looked at her weirdly by how she called Paxton. "What?" "Because earlier, you called me Lil' D" explained Devi. "Oh... i did? Weird" said Paxton and i agreed "yeah, those nicknames are very weird. Also very inappropriate" To stop the awkward situation, Devi started to explain our presentation, "So, I just wrote out the mission statement and pitch explaining to shareholders how Bunkr will link Londoners with available bomb shelters during the blitzkrieg." Paxton and Trent just had clueless written all over the faces after Devi's explanation. "Don't worry, i wrote scripts for you guys on what to say during our presentation" i said and the boys just smiled and said "cool." "Ok, Trent, did you do the logo?" I asked Trent. "Yeah. Whoopah!" He then showed us a paper with a letter "b" inside a box. "The B stands for Bunkr" he explained. "Nice" said Paxton but Devi's face showed she disagreed to Paxton's comment. "Totally!" she lied. "I'm just concerned it's a little simple. Maybe we could add a person hiding inside the B" she suggested. "Nah. That sounds busy. I like mine" said Trent, shutting down Devi's idea and Devi didn't look pleased at all. Paxton noticed so he said "It was really cool of you two to do so much of the work. And for what it's worth, i did come up with the slogan". Devi smiled and said "that's great! That's like 10% of our grade. What is it?" "All right. Check me out. Bunkr. Just open the app by clicking on the icon. Put in your address and you'll find a bunker in your neighborhood. If one is available. Bunkr." Both Devi and I were just speechless but Trent broke the silence "Yo, that slogan sucks! Slogans are supposed to be short and sexy. Like 'Live Mas'" Paxton was surprised by Trent's remark. "Shut up dude! It's good" "it's good if you wanna repeat the class a third tike. Just let Devi or Ana write it. They're the smart ones in the group." said Trent. "No, it was good Paxton, send that to me. I'll make a better version out of your work. Your logo too Trent." I said and Devi added "yeah, and i'll take a quick pass over everything to make sure everything flows well together." "Yeah, whatever. Just as long as we're done" said Trent as he started to keep some stuff away. "Yo! You still game for the kickback this weekend?"asked Trent to Paxton. "Oh hell yeah! I'm there!" Paxton responded excitedly. "It' gonna be sick! My parents are out of town so my cousin will take me to BevMo to get booze" said Trent. Devi was listening in to their conversation and asked "you're having a no-parents party?" "Uhh...i don't know if i'd call it that, but yeah, it's gonna be fire. Basically everyone i know is invited" boasted Trent. Devi was then smiling, as if scheming on a plan or something.

Don't Fall for His Game - a Paxton Hall-Yoshida Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now