Chapter 2: Friends

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Miyuki's POV

When I got to the orchestra room, I was panting really  really hard.

"uhm, excuse me. Are you part of the orchestra club?" I asked a student, I assumed is a freshman.

"You must be the Vice President of the Student Council!" she exclaimed, "Yes miss. I am part of the orchestra club."

"No need to be formal" I told her while playing with my fingers.

"Anyways may I enter the room?"

"Oh! I'm sorry!" she apologized then bowed.

"Ehh?! Don't bow please!"

"I'm sorry again! and Miss Miyuki you may enter the room"

'This girl is to nice and formal, its so suspicious.' I told to myself. 'She must be up to something or that's her real self.'

When I entered the room, only a few people were inside.

"Ohayo Hannah!"

Hannah Drew, my childhood friend. She happens to be the daughter of the Principal.

"Good Morning Miyuki!"

"I didn't know your in the orchestra club."

"I just joined last week, I'm majoring the piano."

"Oh yeah! You can play the piano!"

"Yeah I can" she said as she pouted

"What's wrong?" I asked with worry in my voice

"Nevermind, can we have lunch together?"

"Sure, but Mako-kun is going to eat with me since we have to talk about our project."

"I don't mind him"

"Okay then." I shrugged.

"Miyuki, remember when we were young? We use to hang out with Rolland and Dale." she said as she looked at the ground

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure as well. But at least were hanging out at lunch."

I told her while giving her a small smile.


"Anyways, how many are you in here?" I tried to change the subject.

"About 25 plus"

"That's not a lot."

"You think?" she said sarcastically

I giggled, she's still the same Sarcastic Bookworm I know.

"Everybody will be here at 8:30 am."

"huh? Wait! what time is it?" I panicked.

"Uhm, 8:10?, why?- where are you going?!" Hannah shouted

"I have to see the principal!!"
I shouted back to her

"Make sure to be here in 20 minutes!!" I faintly heared her.

I ran to the principals office,
'I wonder what he wants?'
I curiously asked myself

"So, let me get this straight . I'm going to perform on the opening of the ceremony, what kind of ceremony?" I asked the principal

"Its not exactly a ceremony Miss Miyuki, Its sort of a gathering which students show their talents" he answered

"So its like a talent show"
I told him

"Is that what its called? anyways can you do that Miss Miyuki?"

"Yup!! When is it starting,sir?"
I asked excitedly

"About next month. I'm only informing you so that you have time to prepare."

"Oh, is that all sir?"
I asked, I think I ask to many questions

"Yes, that's all. You may go now."

"Yes sir. Thank you for telling me." I told him then left.

Its always like this I'm always performing.  -sigh-
I wonder what I'm going to perform? Ugh! Never mind I'll deal with it later.
"You're late."
It was the first thing I heard when I entered the orchestra's club room.

"Sorry. I have an excuse though" I replied

"It better be a good reason." Liane told me while tapping her foot.

"The principal called an-"

"What did he say?!" Liane cutted me.

"I was getting there." I answered annoyingly "He told me to perform as the opening for the talent show."

"Really?! Good luck then!!" She told me happily

'She's really weird.' I thought

"Oh!! Everyone I would like to introduce to you Miyuki Jane.
I'm sure you know her as the Vice President of the student council." Liane announced

"Hi everyone! Nice to meet you!"
I told them shyly.

"So what instrument will you play?" Liane asked me

"The violin" I answered quickly

"That was fast." She exclaimed
"So please seat according to section and let's do some warm up pieces." Liane instructed
"Yes!! were done!" I shouted

"Yup! were finally done. You're really good in playing the violin Miyuki. What age did you start?" Aldriene- a sophomore- asked me.

"About... 4 years old, I guess." I said while shrugging

"That early?!" She shouted with wide eyes.

"Is there something wrong with that?" I asked "Honestly, I really don't like answering those kind of questions, people keeps reacting." I told her annoyingly

"Sorry." she apologized

"Its alright. I'll see you later." I told her "Liane I'll go now." I shouted while walking out the door.

When I was going to the classroom I saw Dale. I just ignored him and went straight to the room.

"Miyuki!! Can I talk with you?" Dale asked

"No leave me alone." I replied coldly

"Ouch. But I just need to tell you something."

"Sure, asked away." I said boredly

"May I have your phone number?"

"What? Is that all?"

"I told you it will be quick" He said then smiled and patted my head. I miss him doing that.

After I gave him my number he quickly ran away. That's so unlike him. Just then I felt my phone vibrate.

Im sorry for everything...
I hope we can be friends again.
I turned off my phone.

"Should I forgive him?" I asked myself

"You should. I'm sure he has a reason for ignoring you."


"Are you going to forgive him?"
She asked then giving me a small smile.

"I'll think about it." I told her "I know that he has a reason. But why asked forgiveness now?"

"Maybe its because were senior highschool and will be going in different ways."

"Good point. Why are you taking his side?" I curiously asked

"Because I want four of us to be friends again." She told me quietly.

"If that's what you think then I'll
forgive him."

"Really?" she asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah." I assured then giving her a smile.

I should be careful too. Its not like him to suddenly ask for forgiveness.

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