Chapter 5: Sick

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What is the surprise its making me anxious and annoyed.

"Miss. We're here." That was quick, I guess I was spacing out. Again.

As I stepped out of the vehicle I took a quick look with my surroundings. Airport? Why am I here?

As if on cue Uncle Joe read my mind. "This is the surprise." He smiled. Huh? I tilted my head sideways.

"You're to slow Miyuki. His here."

"Who?" I asked getting impatient. I really hate surprises.

"Your dad." He smiles at me

" Seriously?! Oh my gosh!! I miss him so much!!" I grinned widely

" Come on dear, go to him."

"Of course I will!!!" I shouted as I was running bumping yo other people but obviously I didn't care.

"Dad!!" I opened my arms and ran towards him. " I miss you." I said when I hugged him.

" Miss you to princess. I'm glad you and your brother are alright."

I still didn't let go of him and neither did he.  It was just a happy father-daughter moment when..

"Excuse me sir? I really don't want to ruin your little reunion but may we please go to your house now cause I'm not feeling so good." I looked to see a guy with brown hair and green eyes.

"Oh yes. I'm sorry for that." Dad apologizes, " Miyuki this is Michael Luke."

" Nice to meet you" I offered for a handshake.

"Its a pleasure to meet you too Miyuki." He said as he shook my hand.

'Warm' I thought. His hand is so warm. When he let go I was disappointed but I didn't let that show in my face.

"I don't mean to be rude but what is he doing here?" I asked my dad

"He is an exchange student from New York. He will be living with us until he graduates high school. Be nice to each other, okay?"

"Rest assure sir," Luke nodded "we are not little children anymore."

"Yeah dad. Have some faith in us." I agreed with Luke

"Haha. My apologies let's go home." He said

My dad greeted Uncle Joe and they've started talking as if they never seen each other since they were kids.

"Ssooo." Luke tried to start a conversation.

"Uhm, what's up?" I also tried to start a conversation.

"Nothing much. You?" He asked awkwardly. I can tell he wasn't feeling good. Duh. His pale and looks like his going to throw up.

"Maybe you shouldn't talk. You look like your gonna throw up."

"I know that but I don't want to make things awkward." Is this guy for real?

"I think its best if you go to the restroom so you can you know.."

"That's a good idea. Mind if you watch my bag?"

I didn't get to reply because he quickly ran to the direction of the restroom.

'How long was he planning on holding it in?' and with that I giggled. This guy was really nice. Maybe.

After 5 minutes or so he finally arrived and now he looked better.

"Thanks for watching my things."
"No problem. Do you have motion sickness or something?" I asked

"I don't. I just don't like it when I ride an airplane."

"Oohhh." I said as I giggled

"What's funny?" He looked irrated

"Nothing. Oh look there they are! Let's go." I ran towards the 2 older men.

"Wait up!" He yelled

For some reason I stopped. My head really hurtted.

"Not again." I muttered to myself

"Hey! Are you alright?!" Luke sounded concerned.

Even though he was touching my shoulder he sounded like he was far away. I then saw dad and uncle going to us.

"Miyuki! You didn't take your pills, didn't you?!" Dad asked worriedly.

Thats when I blacked out.

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