I. Daydreams of Mordecai's Passions

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He couldn't stop thinking about her. Throughout his classes, he's been thinking about Twilight. He's been writing praises about her, tried finding her class schedule. he even tried to sneak into the factory of which she works just to get a whiff of her as well as drop some letters in her satchel, it was literally the only thing on his mind for the day.

Under the oak tree of the university, he continues to think about Twilight. Under the spring sun, he drifts into a daydream, but his dreams were not of the normality, at least not anymore. He is surrounded by the darkness, drifting into the abyss of melancholy. He floats around in a timeless void, of which Mordecai is no longer human. In his dreams, he is an anthropomorphic bluejay, a magnificent creature full of life and love. He enters his little land of dreams, with the winds of passion blows through the air. It was a world of fantasy and perhaps possibilities for the future.

He lands on the ground of his fantasy melancholic land. He enters his world that provides him with joy in a world of bleak, colorless, unchanging attitudes. It is a happier world where all are happy, free, wealthy, and romantic. All except for Mordecai. In his mind, he can never truly be happy. But he saw his friends, happy and married in his dreams. Married with children, living the rest of their days happily. There was no revolution sweeping the Paris streets, only the sounds of content people in a new republic of freedom. The sounds of the city creating a gushing and harmonious melody. He saw up above in the starry sky an object flying over the clouds. He wasn't sure what it was, but he has heard Edward talking about a concept of a flying machine. He has seen balloons flying with people up into the sky, but it was not one of those. But would he believe that these were a sight to behold, he pretended those flying machines in the starry sky were shooting stars. He could definitely use a wish right now.

As if everything happened at once, he heard the sounds of brass horns and drums, citizens gathering along the streets to see this magnificent celebrity walk down, surrounded by guards. To Mordecai's delight, it was his love, Twilight Sparkle. In his dreams, she is a purple unicorn with wings, or an alicorn to be more specific. An almighty creature, reaching the rank of nobility or a great politician. A sweet, beautiful melody is heralded in his ears as his eyes gaze upon her. The citizens were cheering her arrival in Paris. But Mordecai was just standing there in awe of her beauty. He tried to get closer to her to ask her for her hand In marriage. But he was cut off by a Republican Guard.

"Make way for the President's Wife!" He shouts, and this causes Mordecai to get all frantic again. Is he saying that Twilight has chosen someone else over him? He felt a bit pale. His beloved wouldn't abandon him for someone else? He thought no. He knows that her heart is true like his. He decides in that moment of passion to pursue her throughout the city to confront her.

He begins his chase, running through the streets. But with his chase comes obstacles. He was stopped by the speed of horseless carriages. Horseless carriages fill the road up to the point of congestion. With shire determination, he weaves through the carriages carefully before he gets back onto the other side of the street, running in haste to chase his only love.

He continues running, chasing the enticing smell of her elegant perfume. While the guards weren't looking behind her, Twilight makes seductive gestures at Mordecai as if she is saying, 'baby, get closer and I'll grant you eternal happiness'.

Enticed by her elegance and gestures, Mordecai runs faster and faster, trying to get closer to his sunshine. But he is stopped by this person, who he has never seen in his life. But this man, he starts talking to him.

"Bonjour, mon ami. Can Ol' Gil interest you in this state-of-the-art refrigerator?" Mordecai looks confused for a quick moment. This word, what does it mean?

"Re-frig-er... I HAVE NO TIME FOR NONSENSE!" He shouts angrily at the merchant. "I need to chase down someone important!" He starts running down the street leaving Ol' Gil to sigh in disbelief. There go his chances at paying his rent. His chase leads him tired and worn out for a bit, as he slowly falls behind her and her entourage.

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