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The two eventually landed in the realms of foxes.

"Wow, they weren't joking when they said that foxes are the most beautiful species ever made. Just look at these beauties" Hoseok mused.

It really is a sight to behold, with their human form, the foxes' beauty are ethereal.  The village was decorated by lanterns and cherry blossoms were on either side of the path. The pink flowers danced with the wind and settled at the ground.

Small stalls were on each side of the path with a variety of stocks from foods to accessories.

One of the foxes noticed the two gods in their somewhat small village and widened his eyes.

He immediately exlcaimed as he bowed his head.

"Your majesties! It is an honor to meet you!" He said.

All the foxes turned their heads in their direction and was also shocked by the sudden visits of the gods. Some were afraid and some were mesmerized. But they too bowed their heads in respect.

"Carry on" Hoseok informed them and all of them scurry back to what they were doing before, afraid of not heeding the god's order. Well, except for the fox who first greeted them.

"Hello young man" Hoseok chirped as Jungkook only nodded. All the while when Hoseok was smiling brightly, Jungkook on the other hand didn't show any signs of emotions. He was like a statue just standing there.

"We would like to ask you if you know any information about the phoenix" Jungkook said.

"Oh, I don't know anything about the phoenixes your majesties. I apologize if this lowly fox is useless to you" the young man apologized as he bowed.

"Stop glaring at him Jungkook" Hoseok scolded.

"I'm not" Jungkook said as a matter of fact.

"It's okay. If you are unable to give us information do you know anyone from your realms who would know such information? We were told the fox realms are very close to the realm of phoenix" Hoseok said.

"There is" the young man happily said but changed his expression to sadness.

"But I think he would not want to meet the majesties." He informed.

"Why so?" Hoseok asked

"He despised the gods. He is a half god himself but he doesn't like powerful ones like you are." The fox sadly said.

"Oh, but is there in any way we can know his whereabouts?" Hoseok again asked.

"He lives deep in the mountains where trees shades the area" the fox informed.

"Thank you. We shall gift you with anything you want" Hoseok said smiling.

"Oh no need your majesty. I just hope you will have a good journey and I hope the spiritual fox will attend to you" the fox said.

"You have a kind heart. All your works shall be  bountiful" Hoseok said as they proceeded to the deepest mountains.

The mountain was dark and it seems that very dangerous animals live there. Maybe that's why the spirit fox live there. It is somewhat protected.

They met venomous snakes and large bears but when this creautures looked at them, they immediately backed off. Even the non- magical animals are scared of them. Of course, they are gods' after all.

They proceeded their journey, the mountain sure is dark but as they moved further they saw a glimpse of light ahead of them. They went after the light but what stood before them was not what they expected.

It was not a light, it was a beautiful garden with tulips engraving the area and butterflies fluttered in the air. There was a huge water fall and a small river. The water was very clear as rocks and pebbles resides it. Fishes also swam freely on the water.

"Wow, now this is heavenly" Hoseok exclaimed.

Their awe's was interrupted when they heard a sound behind them. Jungkook quickly unsheathed his sword.

"Who are you?" A voice spoke

"I am Hoseok, god of deceit and this is my brother Jungkook, the water god. We were told you hate visitors but we came to ask a very important question, pleasebwe come in peace" Hoseok informed.

"Spirit fox, son of Dalnim, the goddess of moon show yourself" Jungkook commanded.

"Hmmp, just because you are gods you can't just barge in someone else's property and command them" he said as he slowly showed himself.

What stood before them was the most beautiful nine-tailed fox they'd ever seen. It's nine tail were on display as well as his magic. It was ready to strike them.

"Easy now. We come in peace. We just want to ask you a question" Hoseok said in defense.

The spirit fox smiled slyly.

"Sure I'll answer any questions you will ask if you can defeat me" he said as he began attacking Hoseok.

Jungkook was about to interfere when Hoseok stopped him.

"It's ok. I got this" he said as he easily dodged the attacks.

This caused the spirit fox to become more furious.

"Are you looking down on me?" He seethed.

"No, I just think it's unfair for the two of us to battle you" Hoseom said with a smile as he landed on a rock.

The spirit fox lunged himself at him with all he got and all the magic he conjured but Hoseok swiftly dodged again.

The spirit was fuming in anger at this time.

"Hey look, what's that?" Hoseok suddenly asked

The spirit fox bought it and looked behind him.

Hoseok smirked and quickly went over to him knocking him unconcious.

"Great, now we have to wait for him to wake up. Could you have been a bit gentler?" Jungkook said nonchalantly.

"If I did, he would have resisted. With this we can restrain him. Restrain him with your water threads" Hoseok said.

Jungkook sighed as strings of waters from the river started entangling the spirit fox.

The second chapter!!

I'm really excited in writing this book and I hope you are also excited in reading it!

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