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“ Raj has been collecting funds for an orphanage along with his students!" The informer said Rani the next day.  

She filled the room in her basement with pictures of Raj all over, and locked it.

“ A donor funded for operation of all the kids!" Raj is baffled when the caretaker of orphanage kids said, money has been arranged by a stranger.

Yes, Rani spent crores in fraction of seconds, just to bring a smile on Raj's face and to make place in his heart.

However, Raj thought a random kind hearted  person helped them.

Same day, Rani felt like revealing it's her to Raj when they accidentally met at the busstop. But, she couldn't.

“ It's necessary to go on wrong track at times, to make life go on right path!" Rani thought.

She has only 3 more weeks and her grandpa will be back from states.

Rani having busy schedules, has habits of recording voice notes and making short notes, whenever she gets a new idea.

She also records all memorable events of her life and saves them in a file, be it happy, sad or devastating memory.

“ Wondering what should I do! Maybe is should confess my love!" Rani recorded what she feels about Raj the night.

She dolled up in his favourite colour saree, got a special bouquet and a couple chain set to propose Raj the next day evening.

However, by the time she reached Raj in his favourite spot, where he usually relaxes after evening walk, she noticed a girl( one among Raj's best friends) with him, from distance.

“ See, we are good friends. I never had anything else in my mind. Sorry, but I'm currently looking for any relationship!" Raj said.

“ If Raj can reject his best friend, why would he accept me? It will ruin our friendship too." Rani is hell scared of losing Raj.

“ I have to do something that he must say nothing but Yes!" Rani thought.

She has 3 plans to execute in 3 weeks one after another.

She recorded them in her mobile, but is unsure if should execute them, as they can land her in troubles.

The next day evening, Rani has been to Raj's house making some random excuse.  Raj at the same time, received call from a new number saying they kidnapped Lilly. They blackmailed him to meet them alone in 20 minutes, and take Rani along.

Raj presumed it to be act of some spoilt students, he went against in past.

“ It's risky. Maybe we should contact police. How can be so sure Lilly is  safe with them? Ask them to make a video call! What if they kill both you and Lilly? What if they beat you to death?" His parents are terrified.

“ I don't know, but there is no other  solution!" Raj yelled.

“ Only way to save Lilly is risking my life. You seek police help in the meantime. I will go inside alone. If Lilly doens't come out in few minutes, police should take charge." Raj said.

“ But, what about your safety?" Rani asked.

“ I don't know! But, I must go there to ensure my sister's safety!" Raj left without paying attention to his parents and Rani.

Rani quickly dialled her grandpa's security guards to go that location, while Raj's parents informed police.

As that location is nearer to Rani's home, Rani's men are able to reach the place early than Raj.

“ Those two guys ran away, seeing us! Lilly is safe." They said when Raj reached there.

“ Brother!" Lilly who is horrified by this kidnapping cried.

Raj comforted her and thanked Rani's men. He identifies them by their uniforms, with Shukla's company logo.

“ I think they are random mischievous, egoistic kids, who planned to harm you but are frightened by possible consequences." The police officer who just reached there said.

“ Maybe yes. They didn't harm me. They made me unconscious when I was roaming alone near my hostel. And then I woke up tied to chair here. They wanted to scare us it seems. They were wearing masks. I couldn't see their faces." Lilly said.

As police promised to look into the matter, Raj and Lilly left.

Raj and his family thanked Rani, for quickly responding.

“ You are best person I have ever met!" Lilly hugged Rani.

Rani also arranged security guard for Raj and Lilly which further impressed them.

Rani has been to her home with mixed emotions.

“ This was just like a perfect plan I made!" Rani thought.

However, this incident is successful in bringing Rani close to Raj and his family.

The two guys sent printed letters to Raj's home, apologizing and pleaded him to let them go. They stated that they are one among many, whom Raj got suspended from college for a month, for discriminating others based on caste, 2 years ago.

Raj withdrew the case, as he doesn't want young frustrated kids to be jailed. He is damn sure, they will neither try to harm him, nor can do, as Raj now has Rani's security too.

All the time, he is the one giving confidence and secured feeling to his students and family. But, this is the first time, someone else offered him the same comfort.

This is definitely driving point for Raj starting to think about Rani. 

The next week, Raj's fellow favourite student, who is also close friend of Rani is hospitalized, after meeting with a dreadful road accident late night.

The doctor who is specialized in such cases, has been to states on his daughter's request on a short trip after ages.

Rani managed to bring him back to India before they run out of time, using their influence, which made Raj feel much grateful.

As he is close friend of Rani, he is close to Raj's parents too. This boosted Rani's value in their hearts.

Every incident is bringing Rani close to Raj and his parents.

Following week, i.e the final week, Rani saved Raj from meeting with an accident, when he is on walk plugging in earphones, by risking her life. Two teenage boys learning bike riding in the ground, lost balance and almost hit him. However, Rani pushed him away on right time.

“ Sorry!" The two boys apolized shaking in fear.

Rani gave them a small lecture and let them go.

Those two boys gave a high-five to eachother and flew from that vicinity.

“ If she can be this loyal in friendship, imagine how lucky her soulmate would be!" Raj thought.

Precap: Rani proposes Raj.

Do you think Raj will accept Rani's love?

Do you think there is any foul play involved in all these incidents, happening back-to-back?

Do you think Rani is dangerous?

To be continued....

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