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The autumn in Korea was quite chilly, the soft breeze prone to biting every single bit of exposed skin it could get to so Jimin was more than happy to walk out of the coffee store with a hot cup of tea in his hand.

The soles of his black sneakers made no noise against the conrete as he walked home.

His gaze stayed sharp as he sipped the hot liquid slolwy to supress the sigh of his troubled fate that threatened to slip past his lip.

There was nothing more Jimin would want than to see the Min and Jeon bosses behind prison bars. But it was just simply impossible.

Min Yoongi, all of South Korea knew his name. Some for good reasons and some; for horrible ones. He owned most of Daegu and was like a constant reminded to Jimin of what happened on that night. The man looked tiny and harmless, except for his scowl that made even the president shut up. That's the kind of influence Min Yoongi possessed.

Jeon Jungkook had a smaller role in this picture but that certainly didn't make him any less of a threat. The man owed land in Busan and did most of Min Yoongi's dirty work. He had single handedly killed all of Jimin's family and forced him to move out of the city, searching sanctuary in Daegu, only to find himself walking head first into a jigsaw sort of trap. But the blonde didn't dispise Jeon half as much as he did Min. Because behind every Jeon's action always stood a bigger power. And in this case it was Min Yoongi, the ravenhead that Jimin couldn't bare to look at. And behind Yoongi, stood the president. None other than Min Yoongi's father.

And that's exactly why the two underground bosses could not be stopped. They had too much influence to the country. They simply held too much power.

The world was sick and twisted; even the worst of men could not be arrested, just because of their position. From a young age you were taught that these people stand on a higher pedistal than you and there's nothing you can do about it. Even if the same men murder three hundren people and sweep the whole incident underneath a rug.

Of course, there was a possibility that Jimin could be in danger of the black rose coming for him, but the idea seemed unlikely. Yes, he had just exposed one of the biggest mysteries in South Korea, but would that get into the public? Jimin was doubtful. The case would close mysteriously and the Min boss wouldn't even have to lift a finger.

But who knows; maybe Jimin would find a black rose on his doorstep one day. And then everything would be over, just like that.

The metal key jingled in the blonde's hand as he unlocked the door to his house. He was lucky he had been able to invest in such thing; the house was perfect. Just like Jimin had always dreamed of. But there wasn't good without bad. You can probably guess who owned the land Jimin was stepping all over.

As the male hung his coat and locked the door behind him, slowly moving towards the kitchen to grab something to eat, he couldn't help but wonder if Min was dumber than he had originally thought.

Jimin had lived on his land for 3 years now and the mafia boss hadn't noticed it yet. But maybe he simply didn't remember him or he simply didn't care. Whichever it was, Jimin was happy. Even tho he was living on the edge of a thin blade, he was happy.

The blonde set his empty paper cup on the counter, head too full to remember about discarding the item. Without much thought he went upstairs, third door on the right and entered it. He shut the door behind him, not noticing how the sign that dangled off the nail, proudly screaming "GYM" shook almost dangerously.

One week later.

"Huh, someone ratted us out?" The raven haired man's lips were pulled into an amused smile and he looked completely relaxed in his black, leather chair. Not a hint of fear was present in his face as he looked his partner in crime up and down.

Jeon Jungkook looked as stoic as ever, seriousness plastered all over his face, not a hint of anusement present. "Yeah." He leaned back in his chair that sat across the room from Yoongi's. "I don't know why you're so relaxed, though. This could put us itno trouble."

A small noise of amused laughter broke past Min's lips as they twisted into a cruel smile.

"Nothing can put me into trouble. This is just an inconvenience, yes, but it can't affect us." He waved it off.

Jungkook's dark eyebrows furrowed and he ran a hand through his blue locks.

"I don't think you understand the importance of the situation, Yoongi." He sounded tense, mixed with a hint of frustration in that deep tone of his.

Before he could usher out another word, Yoongi beat him to it. "Why? Who was it that ratted on us? No one else knew about the shooting so it must be a bypasser. We can get rid of them just like this." He snapped his fingers to emphasise his point.

"You're wrong." Now Jungkook's thin lips twisted into something dark and mysterious. "It wasn't a bypasser. Someone survived that night. He's the one who ratted on us."

Something flashed inside of Min's cold eyes, something, that resembled shock and slight hint of disbelief.

"What?!" He exclaimed, jumping out of his leather seat. "How is that possible? We checked everything, no one was moving."

Jungkook only shrugged his shoulders. "He faked it. Probably hid in the sea of bodies, there was no way we could've double checked every single corpse."

The older of the two sighed, frustration leaving his lips. "Do you know who it is? We should find him."

"Why?" Jeon rised a perfectly curved brow. "Is he a threat to us?"

A shake of the head followed. "No. But I'm thinking we should pay this little rat a visit. So find him."

"Well.." Jungkook got up from his chair, pulled out a folder of files and brought it over to slam onto Yoongi's desk. "His name is Park Jimin. 27 years old, born in Busan, but now lives here in Daegu. On your land."

At that the Min boss rose an eyebrow slowly, the previous mask of amusement returning to his face. He grabbed the folder of files and opened it. What greeted him back was an attractively feminine looking male with blonde, toussled hair. For some reason the man rang a bell in Yoongi's mind, but other than that was beyond unrecognizable.

"And why exactly did we decide to shoot this pretty, little thing?"

At this, Jungkook sighed in defeat and Yoongi almost had to raise gis brows in surprise. There weren't many times Jungkook felt defeated. "I don't know. I looked through everyone who was supposed to come on that night, but there was no Park Jimin. He must've used a different name. Smart guy. I'm trying to get the pictures matched with the names, but it's not going as smoothly as I expected. After the shooting we destroyed most files. Only a couple are left."

Yoongi nodded thoughtfully, looking somewhere behind Jungkook, his eyes slightly zoned out.

"Interesting. Very interesting." The raven head leaned foreard in his chair, clasping his hands together as he rested them on his spread knees.

"Call a flower shop. Order a delivery for Park Jimin. I want a black rose on his doorstep by next morning."

whooo! second chapter! what do yall think? if you enjoyed it feel free to vote and comment what you think. seriously, tell me if it's completely shit😫
see ya in the next chapter!
Love, Sun~🍓

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