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This is a book of fiction. It is not based on any real life events nor does it represent how the members of BTS are in real life! Remember that this is just a fan fiction😌

‼️This book includes:
~smutty themes
~shooting/traumatic events
~mental illness, specifically PTSD


The Deagu shooting. One of the biggest tragedies Korea has ever faced. No one knew the cause of it, the culprits still stayed unknown to the public, the exact time or day was still a mistery. All everyone knew is that one night, at an abandoned warehouse the police walked into a sea of dead bodies. Three hundred lives were lost that night, all shot. And in the centre of the room; a single black rose laid there, withering away along the lost souls.

That's where the infamous shooting got it's name; the black rose. After that the colored flower became a cursed object in South Korea.

The police worked their hardest to solve this case, and the deeper they dug the more information they found, but they could never just connect the clues.

All victims had some sort of connection to the underground, almost all had been men. Drug addicts, people with debt, gambling addicts, people who needed a favor from the underground.

And for a long time the world thought that there were no eye witnesses at the scene and the truth would never be revealed.

But Park Jimin proved them wrong.

"I was there when it happened." Jimin's voice sounded sure and calm in the empty office. The detective's warm eyes never left his face, but Jimin didn't mind. He kept his eyes away from the older in age man, who had a warm aura surrounding his body.

The detective hummed. "It must have been really scary, then. I'm proud that you have found the courage to come forward about this, but let me ask you a question; why now?"

Jimin's lips barely twitched into a ghost of a smirk that went by unnoticed by the older man. The tone the detective was using was one of distrust. Just what Jimin had expected. Of course he wouldn't believe him.

After the incident there were many people "coming forward" about the shooting. All of them had been liars, stirring up rumors and trying to coax information out of the police.

But Jimin wasn't one of them. He stood his ground, his eyes slowly finding detective Han's.

"I was healing. Getting stronger so I could face the past with as little pain as possible." He shrugged.

Han's lips formed a tight, thin line and the man nodded courtly, his thick eyebrows furrowing.

"I'm sorry. This must be hard for you." He consoled but Jimin only shrugged his shoulders in dismissal.

"Like I said." He spoke slowly, letting each his word hit detective Han's ears before following with the next one.
"As little pain as possible. You have nothing to be sorry for."

Detective Han opened his mouth for a brief second, but nothing came out of it. He had nothing to say and Jimin leaned back into his chair, his eyes that had turned colder and harder over the years fixed on the older man.

"So, Jimin." Han scribbled something in his noted from across the desk. "Why don't you tell me exactly what happened that night?"

Finally, Jimin broke their eye contact to look to his left where a wide window of the police station revealed the scenery of the busy city. Cars were rushing by the window at about the same speed as Jimin's thought were rushing through his head. Where does he even begin? He had thought about it one too many times and still hadn't found the answer. He couldn't tell the police everything. Not his wicked past. But he could tell them about the incident.

"It was June 13th. I got an invitation to a party at a warehouse where local mafia used to do their business. I didn't know wether to come or not, but in the end I decided to do it. What could go wrong, right?" He chuckled bitterly, face humorless as he shook his head at himself. He had been too young at that point, too hooked up in the underground life to realise he was going head first into a trap.
"I showed up and there were many people there. I knew some of them. They all were in some way hooked to the underground life. And I realised this only after some time; but we all were in debt to the mafia bosses in one way or another. Some hadn't paid their debt. Some had led the bosses into trouble with drugs. Some were rats. We all had it coming."

Jimin's eyes closed and he inhaled a deep breath. Detective Han said nothing, and now his eyes were fixed on Jimin who smiled softly.

"Don't look at me like that, detective. I'm not a bad person. I was young and got involved with the wrong people. But my record is clear." He shrugged and Han shook his head.

"I'm not judging you. I'm just simply listening." He retorded and then asked, as if matter-of-factly while he scribbled something down in his notebook, "How were you in debt to the mafia?"

"Drugs." Jimin lied simply. "I should've known they weren't gonna let me slip."

"They?" Han raised his eyebrow. "So there were many shooters?"

Jimin tilted his head to the side, as if thinking. "Two. They had machine guns. They seemed to be in a rush, so they weren't careful. Managed to kill almost all of us, though." His shoulders shrugged again.

"Did anyone else survive besides you?" This time detective Han didn't sound calm, but slightly morenon the edge. As if excited anxiety was filling him. Jimin had to supress his scoff, but he understood; the police had been trying to solve this case for 5 years now. And now that someone had decided to come forward and not tell complete crap, everyone was on the edge of their seats.

"Yes." The way Han almost gasped didn't go unnoticed by Jimin. "Another man." Jimin lied. He was sure there were more survivors - the massacare was sloppy, but there was only one he knew. One he had laid still with for hours after the shooting had ended. One he had cried with as they crawled their way through the sea of bodies.

Frustration was evident in Han's voice. "But why didn't he come forward? Two eye witnesses would make much of a stronger case than one, no offence."

Jimin shrugged, a small, playful smile linger on his lips as he clasped his hands together in his lap. "Non taken. I guess they were scared the maffia bosses would come for him and finish the job. Besides, he fled the country." He cocked his head matter-of-factly.

"And you?"

"Me?" The younger male's eyebrow lifted, forming a oerfect arch that framed his face.

"You're not scared?"

At this, Jimin's face hardened slightly and there was a spark in his eyes, detective Han couldn't quite explain.

"They wouldn't. They've got nothing to lose, even if I expose them, which is exactly why, detective," Jimin got up from his chair with a heavy sigh. "You should give up."

"What?!" Now the frustration was almost obvious in not only Han's voice, but posture and his whole being. "Why should I give up? What was the point of telling me all this, then? Don't tell me this was just a joke and you're waisting my time!"

The younger male's plush lips formed a sad smile as he put on his jacket and scarf, his strut to the door confident and sure. "I wish I was, detective. I really wish I was. But I told this just so people could know what happened that night. And they don't make the same mistakes I did." He murmured, jaw hard. "Otherwise all this is just worthless."

"Why is that?" The detective was almost beet red with frustration and anger, mixed with disbelief. Jimin knew this would've happened and he wished things could've turned out differently, but he guessed that just wasn't in the cards.

"Because, detective." Jimin approached the said man and leaned in close to whisper. "The men who commited the shooting are Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook."

The Black Rose [Yoonmin]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant