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Sometimes you get a feeling in the pit of your stomach when something horrible is about to happen. Sometimes it smells like burned toast. Sometimes you can feel the taste of blood on your tongue.

But sometimes, just sometimes, bad things come without a warning.

Jimin woke up the next morning feeling a little sore, he had worked out too much last night, the drive of passionate hate and anger keeping him going for much longer than neccessarry, but other than that he felt okay.

He made himself a cup of coffee and while he sipped it, he made his way to the front door. Mail should have come by now.

And that's when Jimin felt it; that ugly, uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach. He could almost hear something buzzing behind the door, as if bees were about to bust inside, and he could almost taste the blood seeping into his tongue. Something told him that he shouldn't open the door.

Jimin faltered, gnawing on his bottom lip in a manner that could give away his nervousness to anyone. His hand wrapped tighter around the red coffee mug and he closed his eyes, letting the darkness engulf him.

He took a deep breath and before he could start overthinking, he swung the door open widely. There was no one there, much to Jimin's relief. But as his gaze trailed lower and lower, he stiffened, his blood running cold.

There was a big box there on his porch, that probably contained his order. But at the foot of it laid a single black rose.

Jimin's eyes widened slightly and his eyebrow raised in surprise. He hadn't expected this.

How could this be? The blonde had been so confident that the news wouldn't even reach Min or Jeon's ears. He had been certain any information abou the black rose would be swept under the rug. Just like the shooting.

It seemed almost strange how there was no hint of fear lingering anywhere in Jimin's body. Instead, he was simply cautious. His eyes and focus stayed sharp as he subtly looked all around him. It was doubtful the black rose would attack now; it was early morning, the autumn sunlight was illuminating his face and the whole neighborhood. Families with their children were passing by to their way to the park. But the male knew he shouldn't take that for granted–after all, eye witnesses had never stopped Min before. Maybe the black rose wouldn't attack now, but Jimin was sure they were watching.

The short male bent down slowly and took ahold of the fragile flower, watching the petals almost shimmer from black to red in the sun. He pulled the flower closer to his face to inhale it's scent and a small smile splayed itself across his lips. The flower had no scent, but he was simply putting on a show; showing that he knew exactly what's going on and how much it didn't affect him.

Without hesitation, Jimin swung the rose over his shoulder, the soft thud signaling that the flower landed on the gray carpet not so graciously. Then Jimin proceeded to pick up the big box containing his order and carried it inside, kicking the door shut behind him.

"Two can play at that game, Min." The whisper broke past his lips as adrenaline slowly started coarsing through the blonde's veins.

The male set the box on his kitchen counter and then walked back into his hallway, his gaze lingering on where the black pettals had freed themselves from the stem and now laid all over the carpet like some messed up romantic surprise.


"He did nothing!" Jungkook exclaimed, frustration buried deep inside his gruff voice. He was looming tall over Yoongi who was sitting at his desk, a raised eyebrow complimenting his dark features. He seemed slightly amused and...curious.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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