Scream (R.L)

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Paring: Young!Remus Lupin x Ravenclaw!Reader.

Summary: During a party at the Gryffindor common room, Remus can't seem to control his urges for a certain Ravenclaw but he is too scared to make a move. It takes Sirius' help to make Remus finally make a move.

Word Count: +3k

Warning: 18+ It contains smut and underage drinking. Sirius x reader (?)

A/N: This is my first HP fic...I hope you enjoy it! Took me ages to hook up the courage and post an HP fic. This is based on the song "Scream" by Usher.


I see you over there, so hypnotic

Thinking 'bout what I do to that body

Remus knew he was in deep, he knew he was at the mercy of the Ravenclaw girl that was moving her body with the rhythm of the music. Remus had landed his eyes on her third year when he was partnered with her in potions, that's when for the first time he cursed himself for being oblivious at the beauty he had ignored until that point. She had given him the cutest smile he has ever seen making his heart flip, before he could utter a greeting, Slughorn had started the lesson. The smell of her perfume—pumpkin, with a touch of vanilla, and the scent he was never able to figure out—reminded him of Autumn, driving his senses wild, it was impossible for him to not want to grab her face and just kiss the beautiful stranger. 

"Now if you will, one of you please start grabbing the ingredients and your partner should start reading the instructions." Slughorn's voice brought Remus back from the trance the girl had unknowingly put him in. Now the girl was looking at him, her y/e/c irises contacted his green ones and he swore he lost the ability to breathe. "Would you mind grabbing the ingredients?" Angelic. That's the word he would use to describe how her voice was to his ears. Remus gave a little nod along with a 'sure' and made his way towards the cupboards. 

When he turned back around saw how her y/h/c hair made a little curtain around her face while she read the instructions for the potion, her delicate hand trying to put her hair away. She looked up once Remus had arrived at their table and settled the ingredients down. "Thank you." She smiled up to him. Perfect.

"I'm Remus Lupin. I would've introduced myself earlier if Slughorn hadn't start class so fast." He tried to sound as collected as possible, still wondering how this stranger had managed to have him so flustered. "Y/n Y/l/n. I know who you are, everyone knows you. You always hang out with those other three boys: Potter, Black, and Pettigrew." She gave him a soft smile before turning to look at her textbook while collecting her messy hair in an equally messy ponytail. 

"I didn't know my name was known by everyone. I know Sirius and James are quite prone to attract attention, so I guess that could be why," he said giving his best mates a glance. James was trying to get certain red headed girl to talk to him, while Sirius was just throwing winks to a couple of Ravenclaws; Peter seemed to be bored out of his mind albeit he kept working on his potion given that Sirius wasn't helping much. 

Ever since that blessed potions class, Remus had found an excuse to talk to her. She was a bloody genius in that class, and Remus couldn't get enough of her witty remarks that would slip or the giggles that would come out of those rosy plump lips of hers. She looked like the shyest person from afar but if you got her talking, she would transform into this beautiful girl that Remus couldn't shake from his being. They were friends now, three years of an amazing friendship. They studied together, both being prefects allowed them to hang out whenever their schedules would align, but again they were only friends.

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