The Silence of the Witch (J.P/L.E)

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Pairing: James Potter x Bi!Female!Reader x Bi!Lily Evans

Summary: It's your seventh and last year at Hogwarts and you want to live it to its fullest; even if that includes giving in to your girlfriend's request to invite a certain Marauder to join in during sex...

Warnings: +18, smut, language, mentions of poly relationships, open relationship concept, bisexuality (is this even a warning? it shouldn't), teasing, voyeurism, really kinky, the reader is kind of a dom here, slight dom/sub, and my English as usual.

Word Count: 8550

A/N: Okay, so for the last round of votes I did after the Twins' series, Wolfstar and Jily tied, so I chose to write about the latter. I really wanted to write it! I mean if I get to write Lily as reader's girlfriend, I'll take those chances. My bi ass would not forgive itself if I didn't. Also, I know that this might be romanticizing or even normalizing straight men turned on by 'lesbian/gay sex', but I personally find it arousing to be in these types of situations, so I did not have an issue writing this. If you do, I'm sorry that you do, and please ignore this and don't read it. If it is not your cup of tea, don't drink it.


"This is going to be the most exhilarating year yet."

"And why is that, Prongs?" Sirius asked as he leaned back against the headboard of his bed.

"Because, Pads, this is the year." James, who had been digging out his pajamas from his trunk, stood tall and glanced at his friends, "This is the year that Evans finally says yes!"

"I thought the last five years were the years she would," Remus grinned as James sent a quick glare his way before he proceeded to change for the night.

The infamous Marauders found themselves in their dorm room after the new year's grand ceremony. It had been bittersweet to say the least as it was their last time witnessing the sorting, the last time they would say 'Merlin, it feels good to be back,' and the last year they had to see James make a fool of himself before they were to face the looming war. Granted, James had changed a lot over the summer, he had gone through some experiences that allowed him to grow into a man he liked, and hopefully so would Lily Evans.

But Lily Evans had also changed during the summer.

Just like the Marauders talked and laugh about what's to come this last year at Hogwarts, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Fortescue, Mary McDonald, Lily Evans, and you laughed and talked about the new year.

"I'm so ready to see Potter's newest attempts to get little miss Evans' attention this year," Marlene said as she laid on her bed, legs crossing as her feet touched the bed.

"Oh, I don't think anything can top last year's grand departure," you said as you glanced at the red-headed girl who only rolled her eyes at the laughs your comment had brought.

"Please, don't remind me," she groaned as she threw her head on your lap. "I will never be able to touch glitter without remembering that stupid howler."

"Oh, come on, it was cute," you looked down at her as she glared up at you. "You looked so cute with your embarrassed face, the way you were trying so hard not to cuss half of the English dictionary his way, and let's not forget how the glitter made you look like Thinker Bell."

Mary laughed at your last comment, as she—like you and Lily—was a muggleborn.

Lily only glared all the more as her roommates broke into laughter when Mary explained to them what a 'thinker bell' was, but she soon blushed when your eyes caught her green ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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