Chapter I

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Credit to totallyinnocent20 for this art

(made this poem must say I'm proud of myself)

The Angels must be pure Angel's law says it all,
If they disrespect the law they should fall,
The darkness is far from Heaven and is kept to be pure,
If one is to be sick by Satan's lure,
He will get in dawn to cure,
The Angel is the perfect being,
Everyone must be agreeing,
If not they must be not fleeing.


The Angel's Law

The upcoming rules are not available for the Gods that have sins in their names

The Gods must not have any sinful interaction between them they shall cure in dawn if sin is present, any sinful interaction is being seen as inappropriate and must be thrown in the dawn named 'Hell'.

Sinful interaction means having any sexual contact in any platonic relationship, it's ok as long as there's no sexual contact present.

There shall not be any sinful products inside their bodies called by the humans 'drugs' their presence is a sin itself and it shall be destroyed with the powers of above.

The Angel's wings should always be clean the Angels should always be careful some dirty wings are seen as mistakes and this rule is applied to Gods also.

If an Angel is thinking of sining and or lured by Satan shall be put in quarantine until further notice and shall be immediately reported to the 'Angel's Court'.

If anything is seen as sinful it shall not be done.

And now we finish with a little quote that explains everything.

"To be pure, to remain pure, can only come at a price, the price of knowing God and loving him enough to do his will. He will always give us the strength we need to keep purity as something as beautiful for him."

Hidden rule: If the 'Angel's Court' thinks a God or Angel has a big sins count they can take their wings back.

4:34 PM


July 30th, 2021


GEOrge's House

Alternative Location:

GEOrge's front door


It was a beautiful sunny day until...

"GEOrge!GEOrge!I need your help the Angel's Court guardians are following me hide me please."He said as he hid behind GEOrge.

"Dream stop getting in trouble I can't just hide you forever I have things to do on earth."He said softly putting an arm behind Dream's back showing him to a secret spot.


Dream was staying inside the calm forest enjoying his picnic, then he heard a voice he slowly walked over to the voice he heard.

As he approached it he started sensing dark energy.

He went far into the forest at this point he wasn't sure if he remembers in what direction his house was.

The darkness Dream was sensing started to grow.

Dream started hearing someone talk louder and say.

"Aren't you tired of what they made you eat, you've become an herbivore think of the good times before becoming a God you were a human in your human life you were happy don't you wanna go back to the old good times?" Dream started tensing, it was quite a good offer

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