Chapter 2

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~The test~






Gon was eating bread sitting at a table with loads of kids. He was at an orphanage. Turns out his father abandoned him there when he was a couple of days old. He only remembers the last moment in his past life and he knows his goal in life is. To survive as long as he can to prove being X wrong. And everything in his past life was a blur to him. He only knew a summary of his past life.

But sometimes he would remember a bit at a day at a time. So when he turns 25 in this world he would probably remember his past life. But so far he doesn't know much. He took a deep breath and plastered a smile on his face. He hated the kids there since they were all loud and annoying. He stood up a walked away from the table when he was done eating his bread.

He saw all the adults were occupied by helping the babies to eat. Gon was a small toddler wobbling his way out of the orphanage. He took this chance to sneak out of the place for a little bit. Everything was so crowded in the orphanage from the number of kids that were in there. Turns out that there were only 7 orphanages in this country.

Once he made it out from the orphanage he went into the ally and walked in the opposite direction from the orphanage. Once he made it out of the ally he saw a bunch of people protesting. He tilted his head looking at everyone. "Move it, kid!" A man yelled knocking Gon over. Gon fell over and crawled away from the people. He did get some odd looks but he didn't really care.

He made it to a part of town where it wasn't as crowded. He then looked at the posters they were holding up. He sighs not knowing how to read anything in English since he was only 3 years old. He then saw a middle aged lady walking to him. She had brown long hair and brown eyes. The lady then crouched to look at Gon.

"Are you lost, sugar?" She asked the small black-haired boy. The boy just nodded. He wanted to go back to the orphanage away from all the protests and loud chanting. From all the observing there is no mistake that a war is going on. "Do you know where your parents are?" The kind lady said.

"Orphanage," Gon said. The brown haired woman's eyes sadden at the response and then raised an eyebrow. To be honest, Gon hardly knew English. He can only think in Japanese so he had a hard time understanding people.

"How did you even get out here since the orphanage is streets away?" She asked. Gon just looked at her. She sighs and gently picked up the boy. She then walked a couple of streets and shortly after she saw the orphanage. She then went inside and saw an old woman there at the front desk. The old woman gently smiled at the woman and looked at the small toddler in her hands and her smile disappeared with a surprised face.

She then jumped out of her chair and went up to the woman. "Gon!" She shrieked looking at the toddler that had dirt everywhere from crawling on the dirty streets. "Thank you so much for bringing him back!" The old woman said immediately to the brown haired women.

"It's no problem, kids are wild these days." The middle aged woman said.

"Indeed!" The old woman agreed and took Gon into her arms. After a bit of a chat with the women, they then separate and the old women took Gon to the bathroom to clean him up.


Gon was age 6 when some soldiers came to the orphanage. He looked at the soldiers while they were talking to the owner of the orphanage. "What do you think they are here for?" Zushi asked Gon. Zushi and Gon were both spying on them. Zushi and Gon became friends when Gon was 4 years old and Zushi was 3 years old. Zushi was Gon's only friend in the orphanage.

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