Chapter 7

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~A monster ~






"An enemy?! Where'd they come from?!" Said a man looking around. A few bombs were flying in the air. They are all at a mountain to train for the battalion.

And I'm the one bombing their area. I smiled at all of the panicking. "It's freezing out here," said one. I then looked around and saw all the snow. I then remember it's the middle of December.

"I knew he was gonna pull something like this," Kurapika said shaking his head.

"That was your wake-up call. No need to thank me, maggots." I yelled from up in the air. I giggled with a rifle in my hands.

"Heh, a little birdy told me that the artillery unit running exercises in this area had some empty shells they needed to get rid of. I figured I give em a chance to have some fun while getting target practiced in. Don't worry, they don't have much spare ammo lying around." I said and I can see Kurapika was getting a shovel and started to dig in the ground. Damn, he already knows what I'm trying to do here.

"So this exercise will be a fairly quick one. They'll run dry in exactly 36 hours. So you'll just have to survive then." I said with an evil grin.

"Did he just say 36 hours?" A man repeated while sweating from how nervous he was.

"Well then shall we begin?! Let's see how good you are at defensive training!" I said with a wide smile. I then shot my gun at the sky then big bullets started to fall from the sky.

"SHIT TAKE COVER!" One said at the top of his lungs while I was just smiling at them. Most of them were panicking. But then I saw someone with white hair already starting to dig a hole. Then the rest of them started to grab the shovel and dig as fast as they can.

"Hurry up, you have to dig faster!" One said.

Kurapika and that other white-haired guy were already settling in the hole they made. While the bullets were hitting the ground.

"We should be able to block the shells with a magic shield." Said one. While one landed right next to him and dirt exploded.

"Huh, that was unexpected. I guess the artillery screwed up because it looks like there are live shells mixed in. " I said.

"Sir, don't you think you think you are going too far?!" Kurapika yelled out to me.

"Another wave! Everyone, get down!" A man said while the other screamed.

I sigh and flew away. I hope they all quit so I don't have to lead this. I don't want to die just yet.


I yawned and sat up. I brought my hands to my eyes and all I felt was cold. I then still heard bombs from the distance. I then opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the sound. "I should probably go check on them," I said to myself. I then got myself ready and flew out.

Right when I got there the bombs stop. "Great timing," I said to myself. I then turned to the group of people and smiled. Most of them were looking at me with spite. I mean I knew it wasn't going to kill them so what is the big deal? It's training so they should have been prepared. I sigh then said," Okay, now we move on to the next stage!" I said out loud.

"What?! Can't we have a break?! We've been trying to survive for 36 hours!" One yelled. Then people started to agree. I then shook my head at them.

"Nope, you guys still have more training!" I then started to explain what they have to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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