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~ 5 years Later ~

He breathed evenly in my ear as his breath tickled my cheek. One struggle would make his arms tighten around my waist, then his lips would release a growl so deep and vibrant that the hairs on my neck would stand on edge.

" Lucas..." I hummed softly. The sheets shuffled and a leg pushed its way in between mine. I held back a moan from his leg being hitched up in such a sensitive area.

"Not yet, love." He would mumble in his sleep and still sound like a god. So I took this moment to squeeze my eyes shut and ignore the pain in my side. It felt as if I was being poked by an iron hot rod from the inside.

"I can't!" I squirmed now fighting against a rock hard body. "I got to take a piss!" Laughter filled the air and I was nearly in tears. The body that was pinning me to the sheets rolled off to the side and relieved some pressure off my throbbing bladder.


Dashing into the bathroom and sliding my undies down, I plopped on the toilet and found relief. I thanked the gods as the pain receded. In the mean time the lights flickered on and I looked up to fine my devilishly handsome boyfriend leaning against the door frame with a smug look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked as he stood 6'3 with a muscular build and broad shoulders that complimented his chest and neck line. His jaw sharply chiseled with a subtle shadow. Greyish blue eyes flashed with amusement while dark brown hair was tossed from a good night sleep.

"I'm fine." I smiled, not at all bothered that I was sitting on a toilet taking a wiz. I reached for my daily glasses I always placed on the bathroom counter before asking what time it was.

"Almost noon," He stretched his arms," I think I'm going to call in sick today!" I frowned before cleaning myself up and flushing the evidence.

"You called in sick yesterday..."

"Yes, but yesterday I had a sore throat. Today, it's the Flu." He smirked and planted a kiss on my cheek while I scrubbed my hands clean.

In that moment I felt the spark. A spark I've grown to love every time our skin touched. It was so... Unusual but satisfying.

"Slacker..." I muttered.

"Au contraire mademoiselle, I have never been known to be a slacker!"

"And you have never been known to be French!" A giggled escaped as I caught his gaze through the mirror.

"Touché." He placed his hands on my hips and leaned into me. I could feel his nose nuzzle into my soft dark tresses. It was such an intimate feeling. His body was producing intense heat that could warm the both of us in a matter of seconds.

I've noticed his temperature never changes, over the years we've been together. I can never tell if he is running a fever or just being himself.

"You're going to work." I whispered.

"Do I have too?" His eyes locked with mine in the mirror and I became breathless. That was his way of pouting even though it was a solid question, he would make me stare into such a serious gaze and wait for me to melt. But this time, I looked away.

"Yes," I walked out of his grip and back into the room. The sun hit my nutmeg skin and I instantly knew it would be a good day.

Sunny days were always good days.

"Fine." Lucas's tone was firm as he walked past me to reach the closet. I smiled but held back a laugh for I knew he was upset.

He hated going to work because that meant he was away from me. And to tell the truth, I didn't even know how far his work was... Or where it was... But I never thought much of it.

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