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Fixing my glasses and letting my pencil sketch out a rough outline, I sighed deeply. This was the fourth painting of the day.

Surprisingly, I got three completed, signed, and posted on the online gallery I worked for. Of course, there are local galleries I've stationed at but I mainly work at home and produce pieces in the living room or office. Sometimes I even sale paintings on a personal level...

The life of a stay at home artist.

Taking a glance at the time, I notice it's past dinner and Lucas has yet to show or call. Not to mention, its Friday which meant "Movie Night".

First he didn't want to go to work, but now he won't leave.

I got up before placing the pencil down on my easel. The house was so quiet, that it was a bit nerve wrecking and disturbingly unsettling. I took one step and a pain shot up my leg. My ankle was swollen from the little incident earlier and judging by the pain it was most likely sprung.

"This man is gonna have a cow..." I muttered just in time for the door to open.

"I hope you're referring to dinner." My face lit up as Lucas grabbed the keys out of the lock and closed the door behind him.

Trying to put up a front, I crossed my arms and frowned, " What took you so long?"

He simply chuckled under his breath, " We've been having problems with hackers, so we had a long ass meeting that took up a lot of unnecessary time." I raised my eyebrows and watched him kick off his shoes in the foyer. He was no longer wearing a suit but a plane dark V-neck with jeans. This occasionally happens... one minute he's in a suit the next minute he's in jeans.


"Yes, they've been very consistent lately, " He walked over to the island, separating the kitchen from the living room, and placed his keys down on the counter. "Did you eat without me?"

I ignored his question and pressed on. "Around the time we met," I started to recall, "didn't your father have an issue with hackers?"


"But you found a solution to his problem." He nodded while taking the top off the pot of spaghetti sitting on the stove. "Then why don't you do whatever you did last time to solve it?"

I received a shrug, "their finding a way around it."

Pulling a plate out and filling it with noodles, Lucas turned around to grab a fork. "Now, can we stop talking about this? I'm starving and those protein shakes don't do shit for me."

I rolled my eyes as he stuffed his face and hovered over his plate on the counter. "Your such a pig!"

"Thank you."

"You know its movie night right."

"It's Friday?" He asked out loud and I walked over to the couch to grab the remote.

"No, its Monday." The television clicked on.

"I don't appreciate the sarcasm, ma'am"

I lazily fell on to the couch. "And I don't appreciate a talking eater, sir." He started choking trying to laugh and chew at the same time. Meanwhile, I switched the input to Video 01.

"What are we watching this time?"

"You chose human centipede, remember?" Now he was having a coughing fit.

"You got the first one not the second, right?" I heard the trash can open and then close. Lucas must have been washing his hands because the sink started to run.

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