I broke my heart for you

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If somebody were to ask me why I fell in love with you I wouldn't have a real answer
I simply just did
If I was asked how did I know
Well I could go on forever
You give me butterflies
I have stupid huge smiles around you
Every second of everyday you are on my mind
I write poems about you
Every time I look up in the sky I remember how I described you to the beautiful things up there
And whenever I decided to go do something stupid I'd picture you there with me saving my ass
That's how I knew I fell in love
But I knew I would love you forever when I realized I had broken my heart for you
I've said in the past I'd do anything for someone I fell in love with
Though I never broke my heart for them
So if somebody were to ask me why I fell in love with you
It would take me until the end of time to finish
But if I were asked if I will love you for the rest of my life
I could give the simplest shortest answer of them all

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