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I rush from my locker to my chem class, and pull up just outside of the door. My breath is coming out in short gasps as I gaze in horror at the closed door in front of me. I normally get to chem class a bit early so that I can take one of the front seats, before they're all full. Today though, this closed door tells me that I'll have to walk in late and sit somewhere else.

Now, I'm not usually a suck up who sits at the front of the class, but chemistry is the one subject where I am. I have a really good reason too. None of my friends are in this class, which means there isn't much point sitting up the back where I'll have to talk to someone I don't really know, I may as well sit up the front instead, where I'll actually be able to concentrate. Another bonus is that Ms Nater always pairs you with whoever you're sitting next to, so if I sit at the front there's a much higher chance of being paired with someone very smart.

But today, the grey door in front of me told me that the seat I was going to get wasn't going to be good. At all. In fact, it'll probably be the worst in the class. I could only hope that Ms Nater wasn't going to be picking partners for a project today.

I felt my breath calm down fully from running to class, so I pushed open the door and entered. I hate coming in late to class, and this is exactly why. Everyone's eyes were on me as I quickly mumbled a sorry to Ms Nater and frantically looked around the class for a seat. Surprisingly, there was only one seat left, and it was unsurprisingly, at the very back of the class. I didn't bother looking around me as I headed straight for the desk. I set my books down towards the back of the desk and only then did I look around me.

The guy I found myself sitting next to had his head down as he concentrated on his open text book. Can I just say, this guy had an extremely attractive head. Bypassing that thought, I tapped him on the shoulder. He didn't respond and kept reading. I, for one, know that a textbook is not very interesting, so he must be purposefully ignoring me. At this thought, I start to repeatedly tap his arm.

I hear him let out an annoyed grunt as he finally lifts his head up from the page to glare at me. My only thought is two can play at that game as I glare right back at him. His warm chocolatey brown eyes are almost the exact same shade as his hair, and I let a small smile at my victory fall on my face.

'Hey' I whisper, 'do you know what we're supposed to do, I came in late.' I can see him roll his eyes in annoyance.

'If you just looked at the whiteboard where she has written "work lesson" then I don't think you would need to ask me.' his tone is absolutely dripping with annoyance and I almost flinch at the hostility radiating off of him.

'Wow! Ok, no need to bite!' I can hear him groan in exasperation at my words, as I start to pull out my textbook from my folder and open it. We're doing organic chem this term, and I can't say I'm loving it.


We've been studying for almost the whole lesson now, which is surprisingly productive for me. It might just be the fact that I have no one to talk to and distract me, but any productivity is something to be celebrated when it comes to chemistry. Even still, I can't help glancing up at the clock again. I almost gasp out loud when I realise we only have 1 minute left until the bell, and I quickly shut my textbook and workbook.

I hear shuffling all around me, and I realise I set in motion the chain reaction of everyone packing up. I feel someone gently nudge my elbow, and I glance to the side at the boy I'm sitting next to. He's already packed up his books and turned to face me.

I noticed him sneaking occasional glances at me during class, and I kept thinking he was going to say something but he never did. I wasn't sure if that was because I was still doing something to annoy him, or whether something else was on his mind. It does seem as though his glare has been replaced by a more pleasant look though, and I'm hoping he isn't going to snap at me again.

'Hey I'm sorry I was in such a bad mood earlier, I'm just really stressed out about chem this year.' he provides me with a sheepish smile and I grin back.

'It's ok, I get majorly stressed by chem too, you have no idea!' Just then the bell rings, and the cacophony of chairs being pulled away from desks and the stampede in the corridor prevents any more exchange.

I grab my books and hold them in my arms as we both head towards the door. We're about to part ways when I suddenly realise something.

'Wait! I didn't get your name.' My outburst stops him in his tracks as he turns around with a slight smile.

'Right! I'm Tyler,' I only just catch his words as we are jostled by passing students, and I step closer to hear better. 'What was your name?'

'I'm Ava.' I send him a small wave as we both give in to the pull of our fellow students and disappear into the chaos that is a high school hallway. I have a small grin on my face, but I'm not quite sure why. Maybe it's because I just made my first chemistry friend, and maybe, I won't be so lonely in class anymore.

Short Chapter! sorry about that but I'm just getting back into writing this story :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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