24 4 6

Song: High on life; Martin Garrix

Looking around my bedroom at the happy faces that I'm lucky to have surrounding me, I can't help but grin like an idiot. 

Scarlett is perched on the back of my bed, and I take in her coppery red hair that compliments the piercing ocean blue of her eyes. Her long hair is tied up in a high ponytail, a style that somehow suits her perfectly.
Her bony frame is teetering dangerously on the edge of my bed frame and I prepare to laugh for when she falls.  Of course, always the graceful one, her fall does not disappoint and I'm laughing so hard that I have to grab onto the bed to stop myself from joining her on the ground.

My eyes then land on the downturned face of Rach.  Like Scarlett, her hair is in a high ponytail, but that's where the similarities end.  Bleached blonde hair hides the mousy brown roots that are constantly trying to say hello.  She has hazel brown eyes that are almost hidden by large, round, pale blue frames and a petite body of 5'3".
Her currently very downturned face was a result of getting told off by Jess for leading a guy on.

Jess was sitting against the wall opposite Rach, who was leaning against my bed. 
Jess was definitely the coolest person in the group.  Her naturally long honey blonde hair always framed her face perfectly, while her grey-blue eyes added to the whole effect.  She had the body of a model, and if she wasn't one of my best friends I would probably be jealous of her. 

To be honest, I don't know why she sticks with our group.  She could have easily joined the populars in year seven, but instead, she chose to stay good friends with me.  Over time we drifted apart, and now Scarlett is my best friend instead.  Even though Jess and I's relationship wouldn't be able to be classified with a best friend status, we definitely still have a special bond that automatically comes with 15 years of friendship. 

And finally, I see the concentrating face of Abbie, buried deep in a book like always. 

Only Abbie would be reading a book during a sleepover.

Abbie is probably the plainest of us five.  Nondescript black hair subtley compliments her almost black eyes and tan skin.  She is always seen with a book, even if she isn't reading it.  Sometimes it's peeking out the top of her bag and other times it's becoming sweaty in her hand as she runs to the next class.

We all have at least one class together, but unfortunately this year I'm on my own in chemistry.  This sucks because chemistry is definitely my favourite subject.

Maybe because none of the others are there to disturb me.


'Stop it!'

'What's wrong now?' I can't help rolling my eyes as I say this, and I don't think Jess appreciates that.

'What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG? I'll tell you what's wrong.  Rach doesn't understand that hitting someone is NOT the way to get a point across!'  Jess' face is slowly turning a deep red that I know all too well. It often signifies the start of a tirade, so I try and pacify her quickly.

'Jess, I understand that must be feeling quite hurt right now.  My prescription for your sickness is to grab some food and join me on the bed.  WITHOUT spreading any more crumbs.'  I can see that my words are starting to have the right effect as she looks back up at me and replies grudgingly.

'Fine. But only if you give me two braids.' her hopeful face comes into view as she grabs an opened packet of chips and joins me on the bed.   I decide that mentioning the crumbs that just deposited themselves on my doona probably wouldn't be the best course of action in this moment and just nod.

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