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Song: Young, dumb and broke;  Khalid

'We're still on for tonight, right?' Scarlett's concerned face snaps me out of my daze and I grin back at her.

'Of course we are! Why did you even ask me?'

'Duh, because you're the queen of Late Minute Cancelling. Your reputation goes before you. Remember that time you were freaking out and called me 5 minutes before your date with Justin, just because you were too scared to call him yourself and cancel?'

'Yes, I remember. That was only once though.'

'If you want more examples...'

'No it's ok!' I can feel my face turning beet red as I remember all the possible scenarios she could bring up. I'm definitely the queen of Last Minute Canceling, I don't even know why I try to refute it all the time. In fact, why Scarlett still hangs out with me I don't know, if I was in her place I would have broken off the friendship long before I got ditched for the 100th time (that milestone past a while ago).

We both get back to our maths work and I manage to finish quickly. I'm not going to lie, I breeze through school pretty easily. The class work isn't much of a problem, I tend to get A's and the odd B in my report. It's just that sometimes, I really wish that I could be perfect and not have to worry about studying and my parent's judgement.

Socially, I'm not popular but I'm not unpopular either. Most of my close friends are in the same boat, we are friends (or at least acquaintances) with the 'popular' group without actually being in it. Trust me, this means a whole lot less drama comes our way.

Scarlett, on the other hand, thrives off drama. She will often drag me with her to wherever the popular kids are sitting that day if she knows that there is some particularly good drama going to happen. I'm pretty sure she has a sixth sense for sensing when drama is in the air.

The other day, we were walking through the halls and Scarlett pointed out Maddy to me. She then went on to say that we were sitting with the populars today because, and I quote 'shit was gonna go down'. Of course, I said ok and joined her under the tree that had the honour of housing the populars that day.
I was not disappointed. Maddy accused Stephanie of sleeping with her boyfriend, Matt, while Matt awkwardly said he needed to go to the bathroom. And never came back.

In a way, Scarlett's love of drama has kind of rubbed off on me, in the same way that my love of ballet has made her more appreciative of dance. Before we met she was a little bit wild, but even still, the moment my tentative eyes met her bold ones across the seventh-grade classroom I knew we were going to be friends. I definitely didn't think that we were going to become best friends, that sappy shit is only for books, but I did know we were going to become friends.

*Ring Ring*

The school bell rudely jolts me out of my thoughts and I glance around at the students that are packing up. I look down at the desk next to mine and suppress a smile, Scarlett is well and truly asleep.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to wake her.

I shake her shoulders until she turns around and glares at me. Ok, probably not the best idea to wake a sleeping grizzly bear. I slowly back away, because that's what you do when you face a grizzly bear, or is it a black bear.

After I pack my books I wait outside for Scarlett because the best thing to do when you face a Scarlett bear is to give them space. She finally emerges from the classroom after at least ten minutes, looking a little bit ruffled. I glare at her with suspicion and ask what took so long.

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