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But Ron and Aurora were unaware of everything. They promised each other that they would not leave each other at night. Finally, morning opened, and they were already traveling with carpets. 

Ron was looking forward to the future so much that he would almost die of excitement.

but Aurora was very calm and joyful.

When they entered the Dark past it was horrifying...Poor Aurora ....Her past was full of nightmares, of the worst things she could ever forget.

1..2..3 ...

the flight began. Now they both flew like birds in the air. There can be no good, Aurora has already flown into the bad times of the past. It wasn't good at all, she wanted everything to be a dream. The happy girl was already very scared in her nightmares. The happiness in her green eyes suddenly disappeared. Aurora's eyes filled with tears and behold, she is facing the most painful moment of her past ...

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