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7 years ago 

Aurora's Dad was the king of fairies and Mom was queen. They always were kind to everyone. Aurora Admired them so much. They raised her full of love and care.

But one day they left Aurora alone.

There was chaos everywhere. Aurora was so little. She saw her parents dying in front of her. Dark elves killed her parents. She was a little kid but she understood what was happening. She started to run away from there. She was 5, at that time. She only knew light magic but this wasn't enough from escaping them. In the end, elves caught her. They tortured her and throw her behind the bars. They started to destroy her homeland and kept her in prison. But Aurora was stubborn after all. Every day she tried to secretly learn the strongest magic. She didn't have any clothes any food any help. She has only hope inside her heart.

Even though she cried, felt ill, she still learned how to call summonings. After 5 years she was able to call ancient Dragon of Light. This Dragon stopped elves.

Aurora was angry with Elves but her heart was pure and kind. She forgave elves and gave them a small land to live in. She knew if there were her parents they also would do the same thing. After that time she hid all her sufferings inside her heart and tried to not remember those dark memories. However now she sees those scenes over and over again. Her parents get killed, her homeland getting destroyed and she gets tortured.

She started to cry vulnerably...

Aurora the girl full of smiles was now the saddest creature in the world...

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