Chapter 2 (Rewritten)

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When Barry arrived at Star Labs, he ran to Cisco's lab, fetched a few books on chemistry and engineering, and laid them on the floor in the cortex. Than he takes two glass boards and places them against the wall. He began to read book and make calculations, then he heard the crack of lightning behind him, he smiled and turn around. 

"For real? How fast are you now?" Wally said with shocked expression on his face. 

Barry chuckled and said, "I don't know, but I'm sure when Cisco and Cait come here, we'll find out."

"What are these for?" Wally said, pointing at the books on the floor. 

"While I was in the Speed Force, I have a few ideas. Even when I was at 'Star Labs' all tech didn't work and I had to do calculations myself. Now I'm here, and I have the opportunity to check my calculations." said Barry excitedly. 

Wally looked at him like he was crazy and said, "You just got back from Speed Force where you were trapped for 6 months and you tell me you want to read books and do calculations?"

"Yep. Everyone have their own hobby you know" Barry replied. 

Wally raised his hands in surrender and said "No offence. Just thought you'd like to do something more 'normal', like eat food." 

"Don't worry. As for food, oddly I'm not hungry, at least not yet. What are you going to do now?" Barry said, sitting cross-legged on the floor beside the books. 

"Well, I'm not eager to go in the Speed Force, in order to get faster, I will go in SpeedLab for some running. When the others come back, send me a message, okay?" replied Wally. 

Barry nodded, picked up one of the books, and began to read. Wally took this as an excuse to leave and speed off in SpeedLab.

Some time later

Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, and Joe got off the elevator and headed for Cortex. When they got to the doorframe, they were shocked to see 3 Barry Allen. Barry Allen # 1 sits on the floor doing calculations, Barry Allen # 2 writes on one glass board and # 3 writes on another.

Caitlin looked closer and saw that each version of Barry was slightly blurry, then she realized that he was constantly moving. 

"What the hell?" - with shocked expression on his face said Joe, looking at three Barries. 

"It's a speed mirage," said Caitlin. 

Barry looked up at them, and two Barries standing by the boards disappeared. Barry grinned and said, "Sorry, I got carried away" Barry stood up, picked up the microphone and said, "Wally, they're back." A moment later, there was a trail of yellow lightning, and everyone saw Wally sitting on a chair. 

"Did I miss something?"Wally said, noticing the look on Joe's face. 

"Yeah. We walked in and saw three Barries" answered Cisco. 

Wally looked at Iris and Caitlin, then at Barry, trying to figure out if he was joking. 

"A speed mirage," Barry and Caitlin said at the same time, which made them look and smile at each other. 

"Wow! Dude, how did you come up with this?" said Cisco excitedly with huge grin on his face, looking at the contents on the boards. 

"As I told Wally, these ideas came to me in the Speed Force, I did the calculations in my 'free time', also I made a skheme of a new suit, I thought you might want to see it," Barry said smilling and showed the concept of the suit in a scetchbook. 

"Who are you and what have you done to my friend? He's smart, but not THAT smart," said Cisco grinning.

Barry chuckled and replied, "I guess Speed Force made me remember my love for science." 

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