Stolen kiss.

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"I'll get going now! Thank you for the breakfast, phi!" Type shouts as he wearing his pointy shoe. Thank goodness the school he work in doesn't really have a dress code for both students and teachers. As long as it looks polite then, you're good. "Stay safe, Ai'Type!" His brother, Mild shouted back.

"You know who're you talking to!" He heard his brother laughed sarcastically before leaving the apartment. Although he was late to his workplace, he still walking slowly. It's because the school and the apartment he lived in are very close to each other. He could sleep another hour if he wants to.

He doesn't want to be late on his first day as a teacher. Literature Teacher. Literature teacher have that highly aura and very elegant and he doesn't want to taint it. He only work as literature teacher for only 6 months before going back to his studies. Yes, he's just another practical teacher.

He walked into the school with a big inhale. But just to meet a worst thing. A car dashes beside him, causing the mud beside splashes on him. "Ark!" Type exclaimed in shock. He look the car just goes by without stopping. "Calm down, Type, you don't want to let your anger take over your first day." Type exhale slowly. He then glanced at his watch.

"I still have time if I go back and change.... Yeah... let's go back first."

As he turn back, he saw the school gate already close. "Oh How could I forgot! At this time, students are late, not teachers!" He shrugged before going to the gate. As he holds the gate to push open, the security guards stop him.

"Why are you here, student? You should be going to your class, now." The guard said. And Type could just stared in shock. *I know sometimes mistakes my age but I didn't expect people would mistake my age that young!* Type sighed. "Look, khun. I am a teacher. I wanted to go back my house, I'm drenched in dirty mud water, can't you see?" Type said, showing his drenched shirt.

"Then show me your teacher card"

Type smiled. He reached for his pocket, hoping his teacher's card would be there but to his surprise, his both pockets are empty. He take a look in his bag just to sigh later. *Of course it wouldn't be here! I'm a new teacher! I wouldn't get any yet!* Type sighed before looking back at the guard.

"Please, I'm not lying. I am really a teacher. I can't show you my pass because I'm still new and I didn't get the pass yet" Type clasped his hands together and his eyes bigger. "No. I still can't. I know you're new but what if you're lying about being a teacher? You could be a new student that hates schools and wanting to leave." The guard say.

*What the- If I am really a new student that hated school, I wouldn't entered the school properties in the first place!* Type thought as he curse the guy in front of him, not to forget the bastard who made his shirt like this.

"Ben. He's really the new teacher, Khru Type."


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