chapter 8

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  Cecelia POV
     I went to school today and surprisingly Mike smiled at me huh , I don't get maybe he is over his bullying stage . Thank God for that .
   Today in music class , one of the student , I think her  name is Ariel  was playing the piano so melodusly that  I did not know when I started singing , it felt so amazing , my dad always used to sing to me when I was younger , now it has become my favourite thing to do in my spare time . When I realised that she had stop playing , I opened my eyes and realised that the whole class was starring at me and for a moment they was silence until the teacher started clapping and on a standing ovation then the entire class ,joined her in it , I was so happy. Before I could never sing in class , for fear that they will hate me  more ,  but now am free of that, I mean if they don't like me , fuck them right .
   Ariel came up to me after class and said 'hey , I was hoping if u could join me in my performance for prom on stage I playing true colours .  '  I thought about it for a second and found out that they was no reason for not  participating in the song so I told her I will do it .
   I am so glad I stood up for myself if not I will not be free and would have never had the courage to do what I just did in class . Thank you Jesus for the grace to do so . I am now really looking forward to prom .

Another chapter done , I hope u like it and if u do pls tell ur friends and remember Jesus loves you 😘😘

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