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* Graduation*
Names were being called one by one , children smiling laughing and jubilating , it soothes my soul then my name was being called and all my friend and family were cheering for me , I felt so special
  It was time for the valedictorian speech and my name was called , sure i am a straight +A student but I did not know it was going to be me
I walked up to the stage and I began my speech

*Ok I am not really prepared for this speech but here it goes .
  Must of you know me as the nerd that always got bullied but the truth is I just allowed them to bully me
   In life guys they will always be someone who hates you or ridicule you but when that comes don't allow them to get you
   Focus on the positive and not the negative , don't allow anyone to  put you down because , you are beautiful/handsome , smart , intelligent ,strong,kind , loving. why I know this is because God made you and he loves you
  When the haters come don't waver because always remember you are loved and if you don't believe it call your mom or read the book of  John 3 :16 and you will see who loves you
  Always stay strong , believe in yourself and you will be the best  * thank you .

After I was through, most people came and hug me saying that they would miss me , then I saw Mike approaching me and then he stood up to me hugged me and then told me that he was sorry for what he did to me but I have already forgiven him cause that was  part of the healing process
  He even ask if we could be friends and I  said yes.
  At the beginning of the year , I never thought that all this kind of things will happen but I am so glad it did .
  Now I am opening a new chapter of my life and I am as confident as ever and it is all because I stood up to my dear bully

It is done , my first book is complete pls whatever u do don't make anybody feel less of him/ her self . I hope u enjoyed it if u did pls tell ur friends . Love u all 💋💋💋 until next time . Peace

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