Weird Dream

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Having never been on a plane before my anxiety was high, and then I realized my ticket was first class and I got even more anxious until take off, I chuckled to myself as I realized I didn't have anything to worry about. 

Jackattack: let me know when you land, tell googie I said hi ♡ 

Bitchass: I love you, let me know when you land and have fun ♡♡♡♡ 

I smiled as I read their texts and closed my eyes, I managed to fall asleep for a few hours and when I woke up I was able to eat and drink while I watched a movie by myself. I kept fidgeting out of excitement, I didn't know if I wanted to wake him up, or get into bed next to him and surprise him when he woke up in the morning. His presents weren't wrapped because I had to get them checked at the airport so Namjoon said he'd gotten me wrapping paper and would help me when I get there. 

The airport there was so much bigger than the one in Philadelphia that I had taken off from, it was a bit overwhelming but luckily the signs had English translations to help make it easier. Speaking Korean and reading Korean were two totally different things and I was way under prepared for that. I got all of my luggage and made my way to the doors, the driver held a sign that said "Miranda Watson" and he was easy to see so I sighed in relief as I made my way over to him and bowed respectfully as I introduced myself and he helped me put all of my bags in the trunk. 

Me: on my way
Namjoon: okay! 

Me: I landed, love you ♡
Bitchass: love you too ♡♡

Me: I landed, I'll let you know when I get to Googie ♡
Jackattack: have fun cunt muffin ♡ 

"Here we are" he parked the car and my eyes widened at the size of the building. I knew from their lives and pictures that the dorm was huge, but the building it's in is beyond huge. He helped me carry my stuff inside and from there I had to give my name and information before someone helped me carry my bags to the elevator, when the door opened Namjoon was standing there smiling 

"Randa" he smiled wide and hugged me

"Thank you so much Namjoon, seriously" 

"Of course, let's get you inside" 

He helped me carry all of my stuff into their dorm and offered me a drink before we sat down at their table and started wrapping my presents for Googie, I had no idea what to get him considering he can afford to buy himself everything he wants, so I went on my instincts and just hoped he'd like them 

"He's totally gonna tell I wrapped these two" Namjoon laughed as he held up the two presents he wrapped for me making me giggle as I held up the ones I wrapped. Mine looked like a hallmark magazine, his looked like a last minute gift wrapped in a car. We laughed and put the presents on the counter before he gave me a quick tour of the place 

"And this is his room" he pointed and I smiled 

"Got it, I'm gonna get changed and go lay down with him"

"Okay" he nodded and yawned "I have to get to bed too" 

"Good night Namjoon"

"Night Randa" he smiled and walked away, I went into the bathroom and originally planned on wearing the pajamas he got me but decided instead to wear his shirt and nothing else. I smiled as I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up into a messy bun, my nerves were all over the place and I was so excited I thought I was going to combust. I was putting my dirty clothes away in a bag when the bathroom door opened and a man stepped in half asleep in nothing but his briefs, my mouth dropped and his eyes widened 

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