Prequel 1- Secret Beginnings (part 1)

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A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this !! And please do give constructive criticism!

2011, Early January

Father looks agitated. He enters my room without knocking. Great manners.

"It's time"

Time for round 200 of carving.

"Rumlow is here today"

This is gonna be bad. It's going to hurt.

All of the scars on my back are far from healing and my breathing is hitched.

When will this nightmare stop?

I get to my feet and walk towards the door. I can hear the whole neighborhood living. Our next-door neighbors are having a rousing discussion on politics. Some kinda new policy on child abuse.


Abuse is going on right next door and they don't seem to know it.

Change the country it seems.

I see Mother on my way out. The pathetic, sack of shit I call Mother. She doesn't look me in the eye anymore, not ever since the transfer of her mythical powers. She said she was the protector of the world and it was her duty to ensure that power was passed onto a girl and that's why she picked me.

A charity case she could use to transfer her power.

Then I see him.


"It won't hurt."

"You will wake up in your bed again"


I feel the familiar ache of the needle and let the darkness take over me

(Time skip)

I wake up strapped onto the sides of a chair, my top removed. The cool air hits my scars and a familiar sting. Rumlow comes into my view and smiles. In an extremely creepy way.

Extremely different from the Parkers' warm smiles.

The Parkers, our neighbors. They have a child but it's their nephew. A boy of my age. A perfect example of a family.

Something I don't have. Something I wished I had.

But what I have is a man who is going to hurt me and carve into my skin.

This smile transports me to a painful place. A reminder of what was over. A reminder of what's going to happen.

"Hey Elena"


"We'll begin"


"Be brave."

I feel the similar movement and pain of the knife going deeper into my old fading scars.

Don't cry.

It signifies pain.

Pain is weakness.

Weakness is deadly.

Don't cry.

It signifies pain.

Pain is weakness.

Weakness is deadly.

Don't cry.

It signifies pain.

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