Prequel 3 - Meeting Shadow

29 3 0

Early March 2012

Steve's POV

Everyone's resting up after the mission. Yet all have looks of disbelief on what we saw. An assassin who just killed someone in daylight.

"Do you think it's the KGB, Tasha?" Clint asks.

"No, for some odd reason" Natasha replies.

Tony looks incredibly frustrated. He isn't able to hack into the security of the secret base that we found.

"What the hell is this? How am I not able to crack this? Tony yells out of nowhere.

I'm shocked he uses language like that.

"I thought you were great at things like this?" I retort, hearing muffled laughs from Clint.

"I am!!" Tony yells in mock offense

I laugh it off as everyone joins me soon, yet not being able to comprehend what we saw.

Tony's POV

We were still laughing when suddenly the screen in front of me blinks. Suddenly it went dark and writing showed up

Hello there.

I type back not being able to resist.

Hello there, what do you want?

I want nothing, Mr. Stark


"Hey, guys!! Someone is hacking me!!" I yell out.

Clint, Nat, Bruce, Steve come in with looks of absolute confusion.

"Someone hacked the great Tony Stark? I want to see this." Nat comes, smirking yet curious.

Are you scared of me or something? Calling all your friends? Tell them I said hello

Did she hack the entire tower?

I type back

Who the hell are you?

A smart-ass, just like you.


Hey! No offense intended.

"I like this kid" Clint remarks

Not offended, just surprised. I'm Tony Stark after all.

How did get me?

I have hacked you before, you aren't hard to find.

I expected a lot of trouble hacking you, but you were relatively easy.

Anyway, I'm not here to mock you.

Okay, whoever this person is, he or she is a genius. She hacked me.

She hacked Tony Stark.

I was 'relatively easy to hack'.

The others are laughing at my expense.

Kid, do you know that you are an absolute genius?

You hacked me.

You hacked Tony Stark.


Thank you for the compliment. I'm usually a menace for people.

And why do you think I'm a kid?

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