Prequel 2-Secret Beginnings (part 2)

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A/N: please vote and give constructive criticism. 

Late April 2012

3 months.

3 months since my last mission.

3 months since my last kill.

The Avengers saw me on my last mission. They think I am a KGB spy and assassin.

Their first looks on me are just great. I'm just a serial killer to them. And HYDRA doesn't like suspicion. So they have stopped the missions.

I just hack for them now. Hack people's privacy and change S.H.I.E.L.Ds and the Avenger's databases for them.

At least they think so.

I'm helping them in fact.  online.

They have tried hacking me. But my programs are far more superior.

HYDRA doesn't know at all. I get a kick out of it, at least I'm not in the line of fire. Just simple programs. No pain. I have found interesting things though.

Captain Rogers is looking for his long-lost best friend, James 'Bucky' Barnes, whose death is not confirmed as he fell off the train.

This isn't surprising though. But the next thing is.

The black widow, Natasha Romanoff is rumored to have a child. The KGB has reported the child as dead.

Wonder who the child was.

I'm glad doing the hacking and a bit smug cause I hacked Tony Stark. THE Tony Stark. Genius, playboy, billionaire, and philanthropist.

And he has absolutely no idea that he is hacked.

But a bit sick and angry.

I'm still HYDRA.

And this is going to follow me everywhere I go.

Even after a few years, if I escape, if I reform, I will always be feared. I would always be seen as the 'bad guy'.

I will always be the fake, fucked up, a lost cause.

These thoughts circle me as Marlene pulls her car over.

I get into the car and stare straight ahead as she drives away from the school.

"Elena, I'm really sorry for everything. I truly am. I'm sorry that you have to suffer like this"

"Not again Marlene."

My "mother" looks back at me, exasperated and pained.

There used to be times when I could trust her. When I could believe that of people.

But that time is long gone. Sometimes I find myself missing that time. Times when everything was simple.

"My love, just listen to me, please."

This does it.


She stares back horrified, "I-"

"No, I'm not done. Every time I come back after a mission you take me away and tell me you're sorry. And don't you dare tell me you can relate because you haven't killed people.

160 people, mom. 160 lives I took with your powers. Powers meant to protect the world"

The hurt was evident.


"I can run from this mom, all these people I have killed. The guilt, the remorse, I can run from them. But I can't escape from them. They'll fade away like scars, but forever be on me, etched on me. They are scars that last forever, mom.

Something that you don't have."

"Baby. I didn't-"

"Why did you decide to adopt me, huh? Just to transfer your power to me?

Because it has served me well. I kill people, mom, people who used to live. People who had a life or things to come back to."

My words have hit her hard.

She looks like she wants to tell me something but she gives up.

This relationship is damaged. Damaged beyond repair. Which leads me to tell this without pain.

"I have never told you this before, mom, but I really, really hate you. I hate you for picking me up on that day years ago. "

"I hate you, mom."

I look outside through the window and feel the cloud of pain that's a part of her aura.


That's the last thing I hear as she suddenly loses control of the car and the car flips over after hitting something.

For some time, I only hear my mother's screams and see only metal parts of the car float around me.

Finally, we hit the road and hear the screams of people and I give into the darkness.

Nothing matters anymore.

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