CHAPTER 25: family reunion

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The next day ...
Jody woke up to the warm touch of the sun shining through her window, although it took some time for her to wake up completely. She stood up from her bed and immediately went to start her day by getting ready for breakfast. She put her mid-length chocolate brown hair into a ponytail. She then slipped on her long and frilly royal blue dress with the skirt's middle being of a lighter blue shade. Also, that dress uncovered her shoulders, so she usually wore a white shawl made from wool from the Spades' kingdom. Meanwhile, Juan, who looked almost identical to his father Antonio with darker skin, hair and eye colour, tried to stay awake while getting dressed in his hibiscus vest with a lighter pink, heart-shaped buttons. The vest went over a long and puffy-sleeved white shirt made of linen fabric. Juan wore a brown leather belt and black pants and white knee-high wool stockings, and small shoes. He got ready and went to the kitchen once he succeeded. When he reached the kitchen, he saw Jody looking for something to make breakfast. 
    "I see you woke up early for once," Juan said, seeing that Jody accidentally hit her head because of her friend's sudden comment.
    "Aya, well, at least I got up at a good time." She commented, looking at him ugly while touching her head and said. "I'm going to guess that Jordi is still sleeping since he's not with you."    
"Yes, maybe he went for a walk at midnight again and spent the night reading, huh. I can wake him up if you want." Juan said to his friend, and she said "yes" by sending him to wake Jordi
Juan went to Jordi's room and entered. He walked to the bed where his friend was sleeping and touched his shoulder, shaking it before saying, "Órale Jordi, wake up, or you will miss breakfast !!!" Listening to this, Jordi shot up like a rocket and fell from his bed, groaning in agony.

----.... DANTE AND CATARINA....----

Catarina got up quickly because she felt her brother was in pain. The sunshine reflected through the little window, which made the light green walls pop out, and she could see that the guest room was not all too big like Jordi had described it the night before. The room only had; a small bed, a nightstand, and a wardrobe. The walls were light green and had a wooden floor.
She looked next to her and saw Romano sleeping there. Catarina lay down, looking at him, and kissed his cheek. She fell asleep again, with her head on his body, and she hugged him. A few minutes later, Jordi checked up on her and asked if she wanted to sleep in. she said "yes," and he left. Catarina smiled at herself. She lay down next to Romano and closed her eyes, falling asleep again.
Romano's eyes slowly opened about 15 minutes later, and he saw her sleeping next to him. He pushed aside a piece of her hair and kissed her forehead sweetly. He saw Catarina's dream until finally, her emerald green eyes opened, and she smiled at him.
    "Good morning, Dante," she said.
    "Good morning, amore." Romano said, a small smile on his face when he asked, "Did you have a good sleep?"
    "I slept well; how did you sleep?" Catarina asked, sitting on the bed.
Romano's eyes widened, and he sat on the bed just like Catarina, and said "I slept well last night too, but I.... I kept thinking about how close we were last night while I was putting on the bandage, " His cheeks were blushing a little.
    "I was thinking about that too, Dante." Catarina's eyes widened, and she smiled innocently at Romano when she said, "We had never been so close."
Romano took her hand and looked into her eyes. "You didn't get scared, Catita," he said, smiling and kissing her hand. "Sometimes, I ask myself why he groomed you."
Catarina's cheeks blushed, and she laughed a little when she heard Romano say that phrase, then she listened to her brother and his friends chatting behind their conversation. "I know, Dante. Sometimes I ask myself that too," she admitted, looking down. "that's the biggest fear I have ... that it doesn't work out, and then..." she could not continue because Romano hugged her.
    "Catarina, I'll never leave you alone because of how much I love you and how much you mean to me," Romano said, putting his hand on her cheek and pressing their foreheads together. "I promise. I'll love you forever."
Catarina smiled at Romano and kissed his cheek. "You are my guardian angel, did you know that?" she said when suddenly she heard her stomach roaring and continued saying, "Do you want to go to breakfast and say hello to Jordi?"
Romano got out of bed and went to Catarina's side, and extended his hands for her to accept it saying. "Yes, let's go, Catita."

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