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Dark clouds started to form, and rain sprinkled down into the stadium just as Francis delivered the final blow against Fernando. Aurembiax and Roger watched as he stabbed Fernando in the chest, causing him to collapse and his uniform to be drenched in blood. He was screaming in pain and anguish, which made Isabella realize that her husband had fallen onto the arena's hard floor. She ran over to him just in time to soften the landing.
"Fernando, are you alright, my love?" she whispered, putting a strand of hair behind his ear.
"Cardeña and Roussillon ..." Fernando whispered, trying to catch his breath.
"What's going on, honey?" Isabella asked, "Answer me, and maybe I can help."
Fernando took his wife's hand and said, "It's too late, my love. Francis and Roger finished me..."
Isabella's eyes filled with tears when she realized that her husband was dying and said, "nooooo, please don't leave me." She looked both ways. "Antonio!!!!" she shouted, calling her brother.
Antonio heard his sister's screams and went to see what happened. When he arrived where she was, he was shocked to see his brother-in-law almost lifeless and lying on the floor. "What happened to Fernando?"
"Toño, I need to take him to Nayare's house ..." she said, "they hurt him, and he is dying."
Antonio looked at Aurembiax in disgust, then he looked at his sister and said, "wait for me here, Isabella. I have to find a carriage to take us there."
She said "Yes," and Antonio went outside the stadium but shouted to Aurembiax that she was "a killer!" Before that.
Aurembiax went to her brother and said, "what happened?!"
This outrageous comment caused Isabella to stop crying, looking at Aurembiax with anger and sadness. she stopped, turning around and pulled her sword out of her pocket. "Murderer, they killed Fernando because of you, damn it!"
"How was it my fault!? I didn't do anything to my brother!" Aurembiax shouted furiously and sarcastically.
Isabella approached her, breathing deeply. Her face showed determination when she shouted, "you betrayed your own family! First, you forbid Catarina from being happy with Romano, and now you killed Fernando, your brother!" Running towards her, aiming the sword at Aurembiax' heart.
Aurembiax also drew her sword; her green eyes showed fury and rage. She was furious because no one understood her point of view. she ran to her sister-in-law and shouted: "This is what happened because of you; you didn't want to give me my freedom!" breathing deeply.
The sound of the two swords clashing violently could be heard throughout the stadium. This time, the feeling between the two women was more bitter than before because they had lost a loved one: Isabella cursed Aurembiax a thousand times for being on Francis and Roger's side at the time that Francis Bonnefoy killed her husband while she blocked the stabs Aurembiax gave. On the other hand, Aurembiax blamed her sister-in-law for her brother's death because she said that none of this would have happened if they had not taken her freedom while blocking Isabella's stabs. The eyes of both women were tearing, and their hands were trembling while their swords crossed violently. They continued fighting like this brutally until Antonio arrived and separated them so that another tragedy did not occur.
Isabella and Antonio carried Fernando to the carriage while Aurembiaix went where they were and slapped her brother-in-law, shouting, "you had no right to kill my brother!"
"Things got out of hand; I had to do something about him because he was an ally to a greater cause than that of Romano and Catarina's forbidden romance."
"Oui, it was something we had to do to stop a rebellion that could happen if our secret got out," Roger said, looking at his wife reassuringly.
Aurembiax approached her husband and shouted, "what the hell is that secret, Roger...!"
Their discussion stopped when Antonio shouted, "if you had listened to me, none of this would have happened! Let's go back to the castle before it's too late!"
Aurembiax decided that she would listen to Antonio for the first time in her life and went to the carriage. She sat on one side of the carriage, and Antonio sat on the other side with Isabella in the middle, watching them so they wouldn't fight. Antonio told the driver to go back to the castle and told him to hurry because an injured person was travelling with them.

The Cardsdale Romance Chronicles: Breaking the CurseWhere stories live. Discover now