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After lunch. Everyone left to go outside again. But Erin went to the library. She grabbed a book about electrokinesis and lightning control. She was just getting into it when she heard someone walking towards her. She looked up to see-

"What are you doing inside, weirdo?" Erin closed her book, turned around and faced Enoch.
"I could ask you the same question." She responded.
"But you didn't. Now, why aren't you playing that dumb game with Hugh, Millard, Victor and Abe?" Enoch sat down.
"Because I didn't want to. Why are you inside?" Erin stood up and placed the book back where she found it. She turned back around and looked at him while leaning against the wall with her shoulder, arms crossed.
"Haven't you noticed? I'm barely outside." Now he had said it, she realized. He hadn't been outside yet since she came here, besides during the reset.
"Why aren't you though?" She questioned. Enoch leaned forward.
"Because I need to work on my projects."
"Then why are you here?"
"Because I need a book." He stood up, grabbed a book and walked out. Before leaving, he glared one more time at Erin.
"Asshole." Erin mumbled to herself. She cleaned the pile of books from the other children before leaving for fresh air.

Erin went outside and found Horace, sitting on a chair. She sat down besides him on the ground.
"Hey Erin. Had fun?"
"Yeah." She answered. There was a moment of silence, until: "Horace, do you know why Enoch isn't outside?"
"Yes, I know. Why are you asking?" He looked at her.
"Just wondering."
"Well, he just doesn't like the outside that well. Also, he's always working on projects with his peculiarity."
"Raising the dead. Right? His peculiarity."
"Yes. You know, I have to go to him. He asked me to get him something. I'm going to give that to him now, and you're coming with me!" He got up and waited for Erin to follow his lead.
"B-but the football game! Millard and Abe are going to win!"
"No buts!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her up. He suddenly let go of her. "Ouch! I haven't had those shocks in a while."
"What do you mean shocks?"
"You know, when you touch someone and suddenly you get some weird shock feeling."
"Got it, sorry." She said, looking guilty.
"It's alright, you didn't do it on purpose. I don't even know how to do that on purpose. Well, come on."

Horace and Erin were walking towards Enoch's room. Horace had picked up some weird fake eye from their room for Enoch. They arrived and Horace motioned for Erin to knock the door.
"Who's it?"
"It's me, I got the eye." Horace answered. They heard a faint 'come in' and Erin opened the door for them.
"So, what are you doing this time?"
"Eye please." Enoch said, holding out his hand. Horace gave him the eye and Enoch pushed it into a dolls head. Satisfied, he looked up. His smile dropped immediately when he saw Erin. "What are you doing here?"
"Calm down grumpy, I was being dragged here, not my fault." She replied.
"Yeah, this one's on me." Horace added. "But show us, please." He motioned to the two mutated dolls with, uh, extraordinary body parts.
Enoch gave in and looked at the dolls. Erin turned to Horace. He was also looking at the dolls. She turned to the mutated things too and saw they were fighting. She couldn't help it but start smiling at the fight. It reminded her of her dad and her. They would go and see street fights. He even taught her to fight to eventually participate in them too. Now that she thought more about it, he always won his fights on the street. His opponents barely did anything, every time. Was he- was he peculiar too? She shrugged and forgot about it.

"Admit it." Horace told Erin. They were walking through the hallways, on their way to get outside.
"Admit what exactly?"
"That you liked the doll-fight."
"Yeah, I did enjoy it." Horace smiled and seemed satisfied with himself and the answer she gave him.
"But I still don't like him."
"Yeah, I get that. Maybe Victor can talk some sense into Enoch. Victor is his best friend. It'll either help, or make it worse." Horace said. "Well, I think we should risk it." He walked outside and went to the sweating boys sitting in the grass. Erin followed.
"Hello Horace. And our favorite player is here too!" Hugh said. He jumped up. Abe and Victor followed, but Millard stayed down. By the looks of it, he was probably asleep.
"Tiring game?" Erin asked, nodding to Millard.
"Yeah, kind of. So, what's up?" Abe said.
"Well, Victor, since you're Enoch's best friend, I wanted to ask you if you could talk to Enoch about Erin." Horace asked, facing Victor.
"Is he being an asshole again. Shit, I said ass in front of a lady." Victor mumbled the last sentence. He looked down, a slight red color going over his cheeks.
"Ha! You said ass in front of a girl!" Hugh laughed.
"Sorry Erin." Victor said, looking at her.
"It's alright." She laughed. "I say it myself a bit too much too." Victor smiled at this response.
"Well, I'll get going. I'll see what I can do." He put his hand on Horace's shoulder as he passes them and went inside.
"Huh, what did I miss? Where is Victor? Oh, hi Horace, Erin." Millard said, suddenly standing. Everyone looked at him and laughed.




Wordcount: 933

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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