The Letter.

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My fingers spread across the tight seal, doubting if I'm currently conscious. I carefully pull open the seal, the only sound in the whole house the soft crinkling of my fingers against the envelope. I slowly pull out the folded paper inside, and look up. Scanning across the table, my eyes meet my mother's. She shoots me a nervous smile, and says “Don't worry. If you don't get in, you always have other schools.” I return the smile, and pull out the paper. As I unfold it, I recall the events leading up to this very moment.

“So, how's your essay going?” I turn my head to the doorway, where Mum is standing. “Pretty good. Only 100 more  words saying why my art is good. 100 more words and a chance at a fancy college.” I smile at her...

“And now, a speech to end this school year once and for all, by our very own Kristen Orchid!” Mr Goode, our principal, says...

“I'm leaving!” My father's voice booms in the corridor, and I snuggle closer to my teddy. “You, Kristen, you all mean nothing to me!” He screams, and I can hear Mum crying...

I unfold the paper, and begin to read out loud. “Dear Kristen Jane Orchid, We are writing to you because you and many others like yourself, have applied for our school. But what makes you unlike the others, is that you passed with flying colours! The art program eagerly awaits. We will see you next month.” I look up at my mother, and she is beaming. “Im so proud of you! I knew you could do it. Let's order pizza and ice cream for dinner.”

So this is a pretty short chapter, but is it a good one? Anyways, hope you like it.

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