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Standing over my suitcase proudly, I observe my neatly packed art supplies, along with my best painting which got me accepted here. Looking around my bare dorm, I remember the rules. I can do whatever I want to the room. I pull out some drawings and paintings, and start taping them to the wall. I also take out my canvas, and set it in the aisle provided by the school. After dumping all my art supplies onto the table, I stare at the other wall, intrigued. It's emptiness is bothering me. I grab my phone, and see my home screen. It's a picture of a beautiful cherry blossom, from when we went on holidays to Japan. It's beautiful. Now, I know what this wall needs. I grab my paints, and begin. Colours slash through the bare white wall, providing a new...curiosity. blood pumping, I keep on painting, and painting. Sweat drips down my face, but I continue, determined to finish my masterpiece. Panting, I throw my dirty brush back into the water cup, splashing water onto the protective plastic for the carpet. Beaming, I take a step back to admire my work. Beautiful. I slump onto my chair, wiping my forehead. I hold up my phone, comparing the image to the painting. It's almost identical. I check the time, and it's 2: 41. I might as well finish unpacking for the day. I take out the box labelled Linen. I pull the sheets over the mattress, and put my duvet and pillows on it as well.

2 hours later.

Everything is done, and now I don't know what to do. I might as well watch tv right? Class doesn't start untill tomorrow. I flip on the tv, and watch a movie marathon.

3 Hours Later

“Lick it up baby, lick it up!” One of the characters yells,and I can feel my eyes closing, giving in to the insatiable need to cling to my pillow and sleep. Succumbing to my desire, I flip off my tv remote and slip into my dreams.

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