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Slipping into my dream world, my eyes open, fresh with energy. I'm sitting at the top of a large peak, and Im high, high up in the air. The soft sunset has began to rise, and streaks of orange and peach blend across the sky. The wind sifting through my locks of hair, I take a deep breath. Suddenly, my dream world changes. The sky darkens to the night sky with no stars, no light. Fog spreads across the landscape, limiting my view.“Hmm, it's a humans dream. I didn't know there was a human nearby.” A deep voice says, and I whip my head in the direction of the voice, only to be met by more fog. Then, a new voice enters my ears.“Im surprised they let a human here, after the incident. I guess they found somebody too good to deny.” Wind whistles past me, filling the atmosphere with a unsettling sound.“How grim. She has a death wish,” The first voice suppresses a sigh. I feel hands around my throat, cutting of my air supply, but I can't see anything. Gasping for air, I try to look around for my assassin, but there's hands keeping my head in place. I feel the heat of somebody's breath creeping along my face, but there's nobody there. “Hello, girl. A shame it is that your a student here,” The deeper, masculine voice whispers into my ear. “Victoria, let's go. Snap her,” The voice says, and I hear a sharp Snap!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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