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-SHIELD Headquarters-

The SHIELD team returned. The Avengers had been waiting. 

"Where is she?" Clint asked. 

"We didn't get her, they all escaped. It seems you forgot to tell me that we'd be dealing with a group of enhanced individuals." Fury hissed. 

"What? Enhanced? They just suck blood." Tony said. 

"They also have some form of super strength and speed. Hence, their ability to zip past us faster than the wind." Fury explained, annoyed. "Luckily, Nat most likely still has her phone. If we can get a signal on that, we can trace her contacts and find everyone else." 

"That's a bit much isn't it? We're only looking for Nat right?" Steve said. 

"If they are immortal, have enhanced abilities like speed and strength and who knows what else, they could be a important part in new science." Bruce stated. 

"So you'll just pick and poke at them until you get the results you want? You think they'll just roll over and let you do that?" Clint asked, angrily. 

"Why do you care?" Tony said. 

"Because Nat is our friend, no matter what sort of thing she is. I trust her and you guys did too." He replied. 

"I trusted her until I found out she'd been lying." Tony said accusingly. 

"I found her." One of the agents said, turning his computer screen towards Fury. 

There was a picture of Nat and a map with a red dot flashing, it was moving. Fast. Then it stopped. 

"Trace her contacts." Fury demanded. 

The agent did so. More pictures and red flashing dots appeared on the map, all of them around the same place. New Orleans. 

"She's in New Orleans. Lets go." Fury said, getting the Avengers attention. 

"We're coming, we can help." Tony said. 

"Whatever, hurry up." Fury said, directing his team. 

The Avengers suited up and took off with the SHIELD Team. 

-New Orleans-

Everyone met back up at the Mikaelsons home in New Orleans. 

"Kol! Open up." Klaus demanded. 

A charming young man opened the door, "Hello there... all of you." 

Everyone filed into the mansion behind Kol.

"Everyone, this is Kol. My little brother, and my elder sister Freya should be around here somewhere." Klaus explained. 

Almost on cue, a woman came downstairs, "Hello Nik, Elijah, and the rest of you all." 

"There are more of you?" Damon said, receiving an slight elbow to the gut from Elena.

"Yes, unfortunately for you." Klaus said, offering a fake smile. 

"Can we not do this now? The Avengers are on their way and I need to put up a barrier spell." Freya stated simply. 

"Again? We just got away from them." Stefan said. 

"They're the Avengers, mate. Did you think they'd just stop looking for you?" Kol said. 

"Well, I didn't think they'd be coming back so early." Stefan said. 

"If you all don't mind I need to get started on that spell." Freya said, leaving. 

"I'll come too." Bonnie said, not wanting to be involved in the building tension between groups. 

The Widows SecretTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang