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Nat followed them out of the room with Caroline behind her. She saw Yelena coming out of a different room up ahead.

She looked confused but relaxed at the sight of Nat.

"Hey, you okay?" Nat askers

"Yeah I'm good. You?" Yelena said.

"Same here." Nat nodded.

The Avengers sat in the kitchen and watched carefully as the vampires came into the room.

Yelena's relaxed face twisted into anger when she saw them. Nat followed the daggers in her eyes to where the Avengers were sitting.

They didn't see her come in from behind them and she didn't really want to talk to them. Instead, she, Yelena, and Caroline got blood bags.

Elena decided now was a good time to pick a fight, "You know Nat, I don't really believe you're Damon's twin."

She said it so that everyone heard.

"And I can't believe that both of my brothers would be into a brat like you. Oh wait, I get it now." Nat replied. Yelena laughed, knowing exactly where this was going.

At this point everyone's eyes were on them.

"Uh, what's that supposed to mean?" Elena said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It means, they only like you because you're Katherines doppelgänger. It's just Deja vu." Nat smirked, shrugging innocently.

"Damn." Rebekah said. "I knew I liked you for a reason."

Bonnie came in with the daylight rings.

"Wait, I thought you were the dumb blond?" Tony asked bravely.

Everyone looked at Rebekah, she frowned, "And here I thought you were a genius. I'm disappointed."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. She looked offended, "What? Did you think I was gonna rip his heart out?"

"Yes actually. Have you met you?" Kol asked, instantly regretting it.

"How about before you do.. whatever it is you're doing, you see if these work." Bonnie said, placing the rings on the table.

Rebekah grabbed the prettiest one, "I'll take that."

She put it on and stuck her hand out into the sunlight. Nothing happened.

Everyone else grabbed one and tested it. They all worked.

"Why do you need those?" Bruce asked.

"Well, if they don't have them.. anyone want to demonstrate?" Bonnie asked.

No one said anything, they avoided eye contact before Nat finally rolled her eyes, "Guess I'll do it."

Nat took her ring off and stood at the edge of the shade. She stuck her arm out and it began to sizzle. She had a pained expression on her face as she pulled her arm back, "Ouch."

She put the ring back on as her arm healed, "That's why."


Nat caught Steve glancing at Rebekah.

"What's that look for?" She asked him.

"What look?" He asked, playing it off, "There's no look."

"Oh really, because I just noticed you looking at Rebekah-" She said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged.

"Okay," she patted his shoulder and began to walk away. Catching him looking at Rebekah again.

This time he glanced back at her, she raised an eyebrow and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Should I talk to Caroline?" Yelena asked, coming up to Nat.

"Why would you need to do that?" Nat asked, turning to Yelena.

"Well when Klaus and I were talking at that party she seemed... jealous? I don't know. Should I tell her we're just friends?" Yelena asked.

"That depends, are you just friends? And how do you feel about him?" Nat asked, slowly trying to pry the information from her friend.

"I - hey that wasn't part of my question." Yelena said, catching Nat red handed.

"Just asking. I've got to know before I give you advice." Nat defended.

"I don't- we're friends Nat, that's all." Yelena said.

"Then tell Caroline that." Nat said, not able to read Yelena's tone.

"Okay, I will. I just feel awkward telling her that, what if I'm reading the whole thing wrong?" Yelena asked.

"Yelena. If you don't want to tell her then don't tell her." Nat laughed a little.

"I'll just tell her later.. I don't want to make things awkward." Yelena said.

"Yelena Belova do you have a crush on Klaus?" Nat whispered, her mouth open.

"What? No!" Yelena whispered back. "I mean.. hes attractive but anyone could see that."

"Well yeah, his whole family is." Nat glanced at Elijah.

"Um, don't accuse me of crushing on Klaus when you looked at Elijah like that." Yelena said, "Yeah I saw it."

"Okay how about this. Neither of us have any crush on anyone. Period." Nat suggested.

"Fine, deal." Yelena said. "As long as we promise to never talk about this again."

"Promise." Nat said.

"So what made you decide to help?" Her voice caught them off guard.

The Avengers turned to see Nat with her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face.

"Well, I guess we just decided it was wrong to keep you guys locked up, you're still people. Vampire or werewolf.. or both.." Clint said.

"What he said." Tony said guiltily.

"Yeah I can tell you mean it when you won't look me in the eye." She said, turning and walking away.

She felt betrayed, but then she thought that they probably did too. She had lied to them after all, but she didn't go out of her way to hurt them and then fake apologize. They were supposed to be her second family, not her enemies. It just sucked is all.

Damon leaned against the door sighing, "Let me guess. It didn't go well."

Nat sighed, "It's not really your business."

Damon rolled his eyes, "Of course it's my business, you're my sister."

He plopped down next to her. She sighed, "Fine. I guess it didn't go too well."

"Do I need to threaten to rip someone's throat out for being a bitch?" Damon asked in the most innocent way you could ask that question.

"What? No, jeez you're crazy." Nat said, but she couldn't help but smile.

"I'm crazy? Really? Out of both of us who would be crazier." Damon asked.

"You." She answered without hesitation.

"Wow okay." He said.

She realized they were sitting the exact same way, "Ew are you copying me?"

He looked confused but then he realized, "Ew no."

He stood up and walked to the door, "Don't beat yourself up thinking about it okay?"

"How could I? That's what I have you for." She smirked, causing him to roll his eyes and leave.

But he still called out a goodnight.

A/N: Y'all what ships do you want. I can't decide if I should do like...
Yelena x Klaus or Care x Klaus
Elijah x Nat or someone else x Nat
And more. Please give me your suggestions

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