Instalment Thirty Eight

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How on earth can you be gone?

There was no way you were able to make it out. There was no way you were able to free yourself from the restraints I had you in.

It is simply impossible.

"Where are you?" I question to silenced ears

I can feel the adrenaline overtaking my body at this point, fear initially setting in as you are nowhere to be seen in this bunker, meaning you're out, meaning you're out in the world. Meaning that you, Zayn Malik, have knowledge of this bunker, knowledge of Michael and you are out on the loose and I have no idea where you are.

Then my fear intensifies.

A greater fear making its way to the front of my mind.


What if you are going to him, to hurt him?

He, after all, being the majority of the reasoning behind my taking of you. I can't get the image out of my mind the look you had Zayn the moment you realised you could take Michael from me.

What if you have the same surge of courage and you want to take Harry away from me as well?

My overthinking is enough to fly my body out of the bunker, I need to find Harry, I need to make sure you haven't hurt him. I can't have you hurt him. Not him. Anyone, literally take anyone else, but him.

I haven't even had the opportunity yet to tell him that I love him. I've been a coward within myself and I haven't allowed myself to come to terms with my feelings, feelings that are so overwhelming in this moment with the realisation that I could lose him.

"Don't you dare take him from me" I huff out into the night air as I sprint back toward my car, neglecting my seat belt as I put the car into full swing and send it flying down the road toward Harry's.

Blinking the sweat from my eyes as I get closer to Harry's, I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst at the same time I'm trying to shake those thoughts completely all together.  

Pulling into your street, my hearing is overrun by the pounding of my heartbeat consuming my ears.

What if you've hurt Anne as well?

And if you did, did you make Harry witness that?

So many appalling possibilities flooding my thoughts that I don't even think I put the car in park when I pulled out the front of his house.

I don't even knock, I can't. I can't have anything holding me back.

A small sigh of relief when I see Anne sitting at the dining table flicking through a magazine, her eyes widening at my arrival.

"Louis dear, are you alright?" she asks, but I can't even answer. I just change my direction in search of Harry.

I burst down the door to his room, nearly collapsing on the floor when I see his very much alive body sitting at his computer desk, flicking through some pictures.

"Louis?" you gasp as I make my absurd entrance.

Now this part I didn't think over. Now that I have made sure that you and Anne are alright, now I need to explain my actions.


"Louis, say something, you look like you've seen a ghost, are you okay?" you ask again, bringing yourself up to me and holding the sides of my arms in yours.

"Sorry, I just, I had a feeling something had happened to you" I vaguely explain, maybe I can get out of this blaming it on a terrible dream, you knew I was asleep when you left so I may be able to make that work for me.

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