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Shadow and Bella black's backstory

Shadow and Bella are twins, they were born in 2001 and they lived together with their parents until 2009. The avengers were on a mission and multiple houses got blown up, the Blacks being one of them. When the black house collapsed, Lilly Stark was sent inside by her father to make sure there was no one in there. Shadow had been hit by some roofing and was currently stuck and that's when Bella found out about her powers, she saved Shadow by blasting the roofing of her twin. Shadow found out her powers two years later she was training with Lilly, and they were just fighting old school and Lilly pinned Shadow then out of nowhere Shadows hair went red meaning angry and her eyes started glowing, her wings sprouted then she fainted. Shadow and her sister moved in with Tony but didn't meet the avengers till 2017 when Shadow had a power outburst because Thor stole her pop tarts and there was no coffee left (She has anger issues). The girls were 16 then and Tony wanted to protect them from any harm. She got expelled from 5 schools, before going to Midtown School of Science and technology, she almost got expelled a few times but Tony just paid her way back in.

Lilly stark backstory

(One of the authors note Shadow) This thing had a good life ...rAwR

Lilliana or Lilly for short is the only biological daughter of the one and only Tony Stark. She grew up out of the spotlight her family created. Born in 2001 her mum died during birth leaving Tony to raise Lilly on his own. At age 5 and 9 months she was kidnapped by hydra and experimented on leaving her a mess after 3 months Lilly was found. She now had the powers of Wanda but rainbow and the powers of spider. In 2009 Lilly insisted on coming with on a mission and thank God, they let her because that day she found Shadow and Bella they came to live with her and Tony. After spider man joined the team, she stared school at midtown school of science and technology because Shadow got expelled again for fights.

(other author talking note Lilly) this will have most of the time 2 different writing styles because there are 2 people writing it 😊 boo

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