Chapter 3

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"I think you should return early," The agent says from the doorway. Atsumu just waves him away, too tired to bother moving anymore than that. He's been camped out on the floor of the bathroom for the past three hours with his back against the bathtub, emptying his stomach into the toilet anytime he so much as moved the wrong way. There's nothing left at this point but he's not taking any chances.

"I'm not fucking going anywhere," He rests his head on his knees and tries to take even breaths. For someone who seems so disgusted by Atsumu being sick he sure does hover a lot.

"Wouldn't you be more comfortable at home?" The agent fidgets with his hands. Atsumu thinks about his dorm room at headquarters. The sparse furnishing and the laundry he'd been telling himself to put away for weeks. That's the last place he wants to be, he'd prefer a bunk bed and homemade rice porridge.

"Get me a bottle of water from the minifridge," Is all he says to the agent.

"You should brush your teeth first."

"That's not happening," He wants a blanket, and a cold compress, and maybe a hug. Atsumu's always been overly clingy when he's sick, but he's aware of it so that's got to account for something. He knows that no one wants to touch a sick person.

"Should I start the bath for you?"

"Just grab me the water..." Atsumu sighs, he wants to know how the hell this guy has lasted so long without a code name. "I'm Atsumu."

"Water," The agent turns away from the door and disappears into the suite. Atsumu wonders if the floor is clean enough for him to properly lay down on it. He bets the tile is cool. He starts to slip sideways towards it but a hand catches his shoulder. "That's gross." The agent moves him back into a sitting position with a hand on his shoulder and holds out an opened bottle of water.

Atsumu takes the bottle and uses some of it to rinse his mouth. He spits it into the bathtub before taking a few small sips. He does feel kind of bad. Osamu's notes had said that the agent usually wants to shower before he does anything else and Atsumu's been hogging the only bathroom for a while now. He holds the cold bottle to his cheek and closes his eyes. He's got to move, get up and move.

"Help me up?" Atsumu asks, the agent's hand is still on his shoulder keeping him upright.

"Where are you going?" The agent pulls him to his feet and helps keep him steady.

"Couch," It's closer to the bed. Atsumu had been planning on sleeping on it. Osamu's notes had said that it was where the agent normally slept, but Atsumu had thought that it didn't seem fair. The agent had a crap job, the room they gave him was probably pretty crappy. He should be allowed to have a few days of comfort, or at least as much as he can while Atsumu is puking his guts up.

"I'd rather you not contaminate the couch with whatever it is you've got."

"It's fine, I'd rather sleep on the couch."

"You've already contaminated the bed, you might as well stay there," The agent helps him out of the bathroom and takes a step towards the bedroom but Atsumu stops him.

"Couch, just call new housekeeping for new bedding... It's not like that would be abnormal... Food too, should order room service while it's being paid for," Atsumu slips away from the other man's hold and makes his own way to the couch. He drops onto it and squeezes his eyes shut as a wave of nausea rolls over him. Shouldn't have moved that quickly.

"You're sick," the agent stands a bit away from the couch and watches him.

"Do you have a name yet?" Atsumu curls on his side.

The Reckless & The Brave Book 3: Casual Affair [SakuAtsu]Where stories live. Discover now